University of Delaware - Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

SPANISH 107 Course Policies, Spring 2006



Section _____

MWF Instructor: _____________________________________








Office Hours_____________


TR Instructor: _____________________________________








Office Hours_____________



Course Objectives

¨       To increase expression (speaking/writing) and comprehension (listening/reading) skills through communicative interaction

¨       To increase awareness of and appreciation for Hispanic cultures of North, Central and South America

¨       To review and practice structures (grammar), consolidating the use of past tenses and present subjunctive, and increase vocabulary

¨       To provide a solid foundation in the areas of grammar, vocabulary, conversation, and reading for those students wishing to continue developing their language skills in advanced Spanish courses 



SPAN 107 combines content-based language instruction with an interactive task-based approach.  The course is not based on lectures or translation activities.  Students are expected to actively participate using Spanish to complete a variety of meaningful and authentic tasks.  Many of these tasks will require you to creatively interact with a partner or to collaborate in a small group.  The teachers will conduct the class in Spanish.


Course Materials

¨       Textbook: Temas: Spanish for the Global Community. Cubillos, Thomson Heinle Publishing, 2004

¨       Workbook: Temas: Spanish for the Global Community. Shook and Noverr, Thomson Custom Publishing, 2004

¨       Reader:  Supplementary Readings, SPAN 107.  Kiddle, Wegmann and Schreffler, Thomson Heinle Publishing, 2006

¨       Dictionary - recommended is Merriam Webster’s Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Español-Inglés, which comes packaged with new all new textbooks and workbooks at the UD bookstore.  (This dictionary may also be purchased separately).

¨ - This on-line course management system lets you view course handouts, see the grades you have earned and statistics about them, access practice activities and web assignments, and view other information about the course.


Other Resources

These additional resources are available for use at the FLLT Media Center in 211 Smith Hall.  

If you need help using the materials, ask the site assistant on duty.  

·         CD ROM practice (including the Temas CD ROM) and tutorial programs, Spanish spell check, Laboratory listening materials, Spanish language videos



FLLT 100-level courses use plus/minus grading (i.e., 87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-, etc.)

Oral Component

Writing/Reading Component


Homework & Participation      15%

Country Profile Assignments   10%

Chapter Exams    20%

Role-Play Project                   10%

Compositions                           20%

Reading Exam         5%

Oral Exam                              10%


Final Exam            10%

*Consult WebCT for more detailed information about the course components.


Assignments and Attendance Policy

¨       No late assignments will be accepted.  If you are absent on any day when an exam, composition, or other graded activity is scheduled or due, you must provide documentation (such as a note from your doctor) in order to make up the work. You have one week from the day you were absent to submit that documentation.

¨       Attendance is very important in a language course because skills are developed through daily use. You are expected to attend every class. Nevertheless, your first five absences (for any reason) will not carry a penalty. After these five, your final average will be lowered by 1% for each additional absence. This excludes absences that are due to religious holidays, illnesses, accidents or exceptional circumstances if you provide documentation (such as a note from your doctor.) You have one week from the day you were absent to submit that documentation.

¨       If you are going to miss class for religious holidays, you are encouraged to let your instructor know in advance.

¨       Penalties for late arrivals/early departures are at the discretion of individual instructors, who will announce their policy during the first week of classes.


Academic Dishonesty

You should be familiar with and adhere to the University’s policy with regard to academic dishonesty.  Consult the on-line student handbook at