SLHC Online Cultural Research Assignments
Submit all assignments electronically through WebCT.

Sample Studies and Programs: Reaching out to Hispanic students and families
Online Cultural Research Assignment #1:  Compare and contrast two of the following programs.  What do you find most (and least) useful about each one?  What kind of a model program would suit the needs of your school?

University Courses and Programs:  Latino Studies
Online Cultural Research Assignment #2:  Compare and contrast two of the following programs.  What do you find most (and least) useful about each one?  Which course would you find most useful professionally speaking? What kind of course would best prepare teachers at your school to better understand and meet the needs of Hispanic sudents?
Statistics on Hispanic Students
Online Cultural Research Assignment #3:  The following websites vary greatly in content.  Visit each one and write a brief abstract about it, indicating for whom the site would be useful.  How reliable is each site?  Can you draw any conclusions using any of the data or is any of the information useful for your professional needs or ARP?
Scholarship and Education for Hispanic Students
Online Cultural Research Assignment #4:  Below you will find links to information on scholarships for Hispanic students.  Imagine you have a Hispanic student interested in applying to college, but does not know if she will have the support (economically and emotionally) to pursue her goals.  Using the resources below and any you might find on your own, how would you handle advising this student to help her acheive her goals?
Delaware Resources
Online Cultural Research Assignment #5:  Visit the following as a starting point, but do your own search (online or otherwise) to compile a list of resources for Hispanic students and their families new to your area.  What kind of resources, support, activities and information might be of use to them?  Your list should include at least 5 resources (websites, centers, offices, phone numbers, etc) with a brief description in English of what each one provides.
Government and Politics:  Education, Immigration, etc.

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Cultural and News Links