Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz

Research Interests:

The contemporary Latin American short story
The short stories of Julio Cortázar
The representation of femininity, national identity and politics in Cortázar's writings
The short stories of Cristina Peri Rossi
The child in Latin American literature
The Argentine detective novel
Literature of exile
Feminist and psychoanalytic approaches to literature



Mothers, Lovers, and Others: The Short Stories of Julio Cortázar.
SUNY Press series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture, 2004.

Conversation in Spanish: Points of Departure. Co-authored with Frank Sedwick. Heinle, 1997.


"Disidencia sexual y política bajo el castrismo.  El testimonio de Reinaldo Arenas en Antes que anochezca."  Revista Hispano Cubana 8 (Oct.-Dec. 2000): 27-38.

"De Buenos Aires a París: Los cuentos de Julio Cortázar y la reformulación de su identidad cultural."  Actas del XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas de Madrid 1998. Tomo III. Madrid: Castalia, 2000: 411-419.

"The Children's Revolt Against Structures of Repression in Cristina Peri Rossi's La rebelión de los niños  [The rebellion of the children]." College Literature  Fall/October 1998 (25.3): 145-162.

"What Does Luciana Want?  Reclaiming the Female Consciousness in Cortázar's 'Cambio de luces'."  Hispanic Review  65.4 (autumn 1997):  415-430.

"Writing/ Fantasizing/ Desiring the Maternal Body in 'Deshoras' and 'Historias que me cuento' by Julio Cortázar."  Latin American Literary Review  25.49 (Jan-June 1997): 7-23.

"Imaginar España:  Exilio e identidad cultural en la obra de Daniel Moyano y Horacio Vázquez Rial."  Letras peninsulares.  Spain and the Americas:  Literary Cross -Currents 5.1 (spring 1992): 151-161.

"A Satiric Perspective on the Experience of Exile in the Short Fiction of Cristina Peri Rossi."  In Paradise Lost or Gained?  The Literature of the Hispanic Exile.  Edited by Fernando Alegría and Jorge Ruffinelli.  Houston:  Arte Público Press, 1990: 218-226.

" 'Es que somos muy pobres' by Juan Rulfo and 'El ahogado más hermoso del mundo"'by García Márquez:  Two Modes of Social Commitment." MACLAS Latin American Essays  II, 1990: 51-60.

Pedagogical Materials
"Mujeres que influyen en el mundo." Materiales. Consejería de Educación, Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C, 2001.

Homepage of Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz
UD Deparment of Foreign Languages and Literatures Home Page