Honors Project Description


Please read through the following carefully.


Due dates:

First progress report:  Wed. Sept. 27

Second progress report: Friday Oct.27

Last report: Wed. Nov. 29

Oral reports:  Dec 1st  - 6th


Your topic should be one worthy of your time and research, so be sure to choose something you feel passionate about.  This should be an entirely new to you topic, and not something about which you have already written for any other class.

1.) Interview an Hispanic Spanish Professor, Instructor, TA or foreign student (see idea #3 below) and write a biography about him/her OR ask about his/her homeland and write about what you learned, or both.  You may also elect a member of the community outside of UD.

2.) Interview a Spanish speaking Study Abroad program director about a Study Abroad program in a Spanish speaking country of interest to you.  Report on your findings.

3.) Meet on or off campus over coffee with a Spanish speaking UD student.  This is the ELI Language Partner program. Click below for more information.  Be sure to request a Spanish speaking partner and simply be honest about how much time you have to commit (one, two, three or more informal meetings). Contact Aida:  elilanguagepartner@yahoo.com , Language Partners 831-2674

4.) If you can commit some of your time to community service, you may wish to investigate some of the organizations below and report on your experience.  Or, you can use information you learn about services for Hispanics in the area to write some sort of informative article that may benefit Hispanic families in our area.  Conduct your own research, but here are a couple of links below.

Latin American Community Center, Inc.  Wilmington: 655-7338 http://www.thelatincenter.org/

Children & Families First  Wilmington: 658-5177 Be sure to inquire about Hispanic families  http://www.cffde.org/

5.) Create a "Web page" (either real or just a print out) that serves as a Spanish resource guide for foreign students from Spanish speaking countries attending UD.  It should be well organized and attractive, offering advice and resources for academic, social and personal/idependent activities on campus and within the local community.  Imagine you are going alone to study abroad in a foreign country, what information would you like to have provided for you in English upon arrival?  Be sure to include references to Hispanic and "non-Hispanic" activities and businesses and organization in the area.  Consider transportation, safety and health care as well.

6.) If none of these ideas appeal to you, be sure to email Profesora. Marín as soon as possible to pitch your own idea.  dmarin@udel.edu