Recursos para consultar:
Silabación, acentos y diptongos
Elementos de la versificación
Lecturas relacionadas 201

Recursos conceptistas

Cuentos adicionales
Using a Bilingual Dictionary
Diccionario Español/Inglés
Diccionario de la Real Academia Española
Guía para la escritura de un ensayo (Dr. Gamboa, FAU)

UD's policy on excused absence

Disabilities Support Services

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SPAN 201 Reading and Composition
  Colección Jorge Luis Borges -- Fundación San Telmo

SPAN 205  Spanish Conversation-Honors

SPAN 301
  Survey of Spanish Lit. (Origins to 17th cent.)

SPAN 302  Survey of Spanish  Lit. II (18th cent to Present)

SPAN 303 Survey of Latin American Lit I (Pre-Colombian to 20th cent)
SPAN 304 Survey of Latin American Lit II (20th Century)

SPAN 326
Latin American Civilization and Culture

SPAN 355-06W Survey of Mexican Literature

SPAN 415 Latin American Lit. in Its Political Context

SPAN 417 Hispanic Nobel Prize Authors

SPAN 455
  Reinventing Latin America

FLLT  330  Rebels and Heroes
     Spring '02

FLLT  330   Magical Realist Fiction
     Spring '99

FLLT 490 One World Cinematic Perspectives (FLL Capstone)--The Good, The Bad and the Quixotic

SPAN 107  Intermediate Spanish
     H&H  Reading assistant for Siempre adelante

            Last updated June 9, 2014
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