The University of Delaware
Department of Foreign Languages
French 107/080
Fall of 2001
Professor: Alice K. Cataldi

Oral Exams:
Oral Exam I:  Oct. 22, 24and 29
Oral Exam II: Nov. 19, 20 and 21

In addition to the objectives and tasks set in the French 107 syllabus, all students in this course will follow and complete the tasks as outlined in this document.


  1.                    L'union européenne
  2.                    Les pays francophone
  3.                    Les voyages
  4.                    Le cinéma
  5.                    Le travail
  6.                    Les contes de fées

            A.   During the first week of the semester....

  1.                      Choose a partner
  2.                      Choose a theme
  3.                      Access information relating to your theme (4 different articles)
  4.                      Prepare a summary which you and your partner will present orally
              B.   On the day of your presentation...
  1.                      Demonstrate to the class how you accessed said information
  2.                      Present orally the summary you have prepared (do not read)
  3.                      Allow your classmates to ask questions for clarification
  4.                      Project the true/false statements on the screen
  5.                      Allow your classmates to test their comprehension by taking the quiz

            C.    After your presentation...

  1.                       Submit your written summary to your prof for evaluation
  2.                       All students will submit a written summary based on your report

                  Oral Exam I:
                                       Oral presentation........5% of semester grade
                                        True/False quiz.......class participation grade
                                        Written Summary.........writing activity grade

                 Oral Exam II:

                                       Oral presentation..........5% of semester grade
                                        True/False quiz........ class participation grade
                                        Written Summary...........writing activity grade

Note: Oral Exam II will follow the same procedures as Oral Exam I. It differs, however, from Exam I in the following aspects:
            A. Choose a topic which interests you and which isdifferent from the themes on this document
            B. Access articles which present varying points of view
            C. Write a summary which states your views on the topic

For questions and comments , contact your professor at