College Life

There is no "typical" college experience. Colleges in the United states vary in size, setting, gender ratio, type, etc. Prospective college students have a plethora of choices when applying for colleges.
Types of Colleges: Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, Liberal Arts Colleges, All Male/All Female, Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Dorm Life

Freshmen are required to live in dormitories unless they commute from home. After freshman year, students have the option to move off-campus. Standard dorms are single or double rooms. Students are allowed to take "dorm-safe" appliances such as microwaves, refrigerators computers, and televisions. Halogens lamps, Foreman grills and other fire hazards must be left home. On each floor, there are approximately two bathrooms at the end of the hall with showers, toilets, and sinks. Although there are coed dorms (coed by floor, coed by wing, or coed by wing), males and females have separate bathrooms.

All dorms have Resident Assitants and Hall Directors to assist residents with personal problems, roommate conflicts, and to maintain order in the residence hall. They also plan programs and events to entertain, and educate the residents.

Dining Halls

Dining Halls are provided for students since they do not have their own kitchen. Most dining halls are "all-you-can-eat" dining facilities. Most students will agree that the food is not "home cooking", yet they still enjoy it. Meals are served at Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner during the week, while on weekends brunch and dinner are served.

Extracurricluar Activities

Students partake in numerous activities to occupy their free time. They can choose from organized clubs and events and on campus, or events of campus

On-campus Activities

Off-campus Activities

Classes and Majors

Students have many different majors to choose from ranging from history or sociology to engineering or business. Students may be limited number of majors available to them depending on the size and type of college attend. If they attend a small college, a technical school, or liberal arts college these limitations may occur. At larger universities the school is divided into smaller colleges comprised of related majors. For example the College of Business and Economics, College of Engineering, or College of Arts and Sciences.

Students have a lot of flexibiilty when choosing their classes. They have the ability to choose a specific day and time, professor, and types of classes they want to take. For example, a student who prefers to have earlier classes so they can work in afternoons can choose morning classes. Due to advanced computer technology, at a number of schools, students can access the course catalog online and also register for classes online.
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