Permanent Status Program Review

Sample Outline for Evaluation Report

Based on the self-study report, the review team is requested to evaluate and comment on the specific areas enumerated below, if applicable, in making its assessment of the viability of the major or program being considered for permanent status. These guidelines should not be used by academic units to organize their self-study report. However, units are encouraged to try to address as many of these questions, where appropriate, in their self-study report.

Objectives, Strengths, and Weaknesses

1.      Does the major/program meet its originally stated goals and objectives?

2.      Is the major/program compatible with the Academic Priorities of the University?

3.      What are the strengths and weaknesses of this major/program?

Impact and Demand

1.                  Describe any significant impact the proposed curricula might have on other instructional, research, or service programs of the University.

2.                  Are the admissions requirements for this major/program clearly stated and fairly implemented?

3.                  Is there sufficient demand for this major/program to warrant granting it permanent status?  Are enrollments strong?

4.                  Do the students in the major/program receive appropriate advising and mentoring?

5.                  Does the major/program require additional student expenses beyond the traditional books and supplies, such that additional need for financial aid can be expected?

6.                  Does the program have the support of departmental and affiliated faculty?

7.                  Are resources available to support and maintain the program/major?


1.      Does the major/program address any of the ten goals of General Education at the University (question for undergraduate programs only)?

2.      Has the major/program clearly delineated the knowledge, values, skills, and other learning outcomes that their graduates will be expected to have acquired?

3.      Has the major/program implemented a plan to evaluate and assess the learning outcomes of its students?

4.      Please comment on completion and job placement of students who completed the program/major.

Additional Comments

Please add any observations or comments you may have about this major/program.