Meeting Minutes

Faculty Senate Executive Committee

20 December 2002

180 South College Avenue


In attendance: Jay Hildebrandt, Karen Stein, Mike Keefe, Chuck Mason, Dallas Hoover.



I.                    Jay Hildebrandt convened the meeting at 10:30 AM.


II.                 There was general initial discussion on the responsibilities of the Faculty Welfare & Privileges (FWP) Committee.  Recognition was made to its advisory role.  On the current workload agreement, it was noted that a department chair generally assigns a workload up to 12 credits and anything over 12 credits represents additional compensation for the individual.


III.      Mike Keefe presented a summary of the current situation on the FWP Committee.  COCAN is scheduled to meet on January 21, 2003 at 2 PM with two individuals on the FWP Committee that are presently at odds.  Mike noted that it was a positive situation to have two people committed so deeply regarding the activities of the Faculty Senate.  It is hoped that from this upcoming meeting there will be a mutual agreement for resolution of differences     to allow ongoing function of the FWP committee.  It was remarked that each Faculty Senate committee can have a majority and a minority report, but it is desirable that a consensus is reached in most instances of debate.  Furthermore in discussion it was noted that the role of the FWP Committee has diminished over the years as the AAUP handles faculty grievances and other issues concerning the faculty contract.  It was suggested that the current roles and duties of the FWP Committee be possibly reevaluated.


IV.              Jay stated that he will meet with Provost Dan Rich on January 22nd with regard to updating the UD website on Faculty Senate issues.



V.                 Future 2003 meetings of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee were agreed upon: 1/17 @ 10 AM and 1/24 @ 10 AM.  The first Faculty Senate meeting of the spring semester is scheduled for 2/10 @ 4 PM.


VI.              It was noted that the Disruptive Student Clause has been approved and moved on by the administration given its time-sensitive nature.  Mike stated that he would solicity Faculty Senate candidates at the 2/10 Faculty Senate meeting.


VII.            Jay adjourned the meeting at 11:19 AM.


 Dallas Hoover (secretary)
