Mark Barteau wrote:

This is agreed to by Chemical Engineering

Mark Barteau

Michael J Chajes wrote:


Our Environmental Engineering degree program is formalizing a few concentrations.  In the past, these have existed on an informal basis.  While the formalization will not likely represent a significant increase in the current course demand for chemical engineering classes (since the concentrations have already existed informally), it does require your WRITTEN APPROVAL for us to list the CHEMICAL ENGINEERING classes as a requirement for the concentration.  Please note that this major has approximately 10-15 students per year.  Also note that some courses will have less CEE students.

Below are the classes that are involved, as well as the estimated number of students that would be taking them each year:

CHEG 325 Thermodynamics II net decrease 5-10 since we are dropping this from core requirements

CHEG 332 Chemical Engg Kinetics
CHEG 342 Heat and Mass Transfer
Each of the above is required for one concentration. Estimate 2-5 students per year. We've had students in these courses already as Tech Elecs.

If this is acceptable to you, simply respond via e-mail.  We will include your response as documentation.




Michael J. Chajes, Chairperson

301 DuPont Hall

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716


302-831-2442 (Phone)

302-831-3640 (FAX)




Michael J. Chajes, Chairperson

301 DuPont Hall

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716


302-831-2442 (Phone)

302-831-3640 (FAX)