Dear Prof. Mason & Members of the Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee:

Below please find our responses to the questions and recommendations that were transmitted to me and Jeffrey Raffel by the Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee regarding proposed changes to the Ph.D. Program in Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Several supporting documents are also attached to this message.


1) The course numbered 866 listed on your academic approval form needs to be changed to 862 to match with your new course proposal on the course inventory list.  Likewise, 867 needs to be changed to 861.


Response: Changes made as requested.


2) The committee recommends that your graduate program admission requirements in your policy document be moved ahead of the degree requirements.


Response: Changes made as requested


3) Is there an expected time factor in completing the teaching or research experience?  Is this expected before the student is admitted as a doctoral candidate?  In most doctoral programs, requirements of this nature have to be completed before admission to candidacy.  The committee recommends that you be explicit about your expectation or allowance on this matter.


Response: Our preference is to require the student to satisfy the teaching/research requirement before the degree is conferred, and to not have the satisfaction of this requirement be a condition for entry into candidacy for the degree.  Before entry into candidacy, students are very busy doing course work, preparing for and taking their qualifying exams, and developing the dissertation proposal. This means that students are often is a better position time-wise and knowledge-wise to teach and do publishable quality research during the period when they are actually writing their dissertations.  We know from experience that opportunities for teaching and research occur at different times during a given student's period of study, and we want to give the student the flexibility needed to exploit these opportunities whenever they happen to come. For these reasons we think it's better to afford the student the flexibility of fulfilling the teaching/research requirement at anytime during their matriculation through the program. 


4) On the academic approval form, you state that your changes include "higher required competency and coursework in research design and methodology, quantitative and qualitative methods," but it is not clear to the committee how this is being achieved from what it was before to that being proposed.  This may be in your proposal, but we were not able to pick it out.  It is helpful to specify that which is old contrasted with that which is new.


Response: What is new is that admitted students will be expected to have competency in research design/methods at the level of "UAPP 800 - Research Methods and Data Analysis." In addition, students must take 6 more credits in advanced research design, qualitative or quantitative methods. Previously, students had to take UAPP 800 as part of their curriculum and just three additional credits in advanced statistical methods (usually UAPP 816). This new proposed approach frees up time in the students' schedules for more advanced courses, requires an additional three credits in advanced research design and methods, and allows students and their academic advisors to decide what advanced courses are most appropriate given the interests of the student.


5) In your proposal, you refer to an Academic Program Review report.  We would like to see the portion of the report that addresses your graduate programs.  In a response back to us, we would like you to identify the points raised in the review that are being addressed and revised in your proposal.


Response: Please see the two attached documents: 1) the actual UAPP Academic Program Review Report issued in September 2003, and 2) a document entitled "Ph.D. Program Issues in the UAPP Academic Program Review Report." This second document contains the UAPP Program faculty's December 2003 responses to each issue in the Report that pertains to the Ph.D. Program, and an update of actions taken by the School and UAPP faculty relevant to each issue.


Prof. Raffel and I look forward to attending your committee's meeting on Feb 25 at 9:00 am to answer any additional questions you may have.



Steven W. Peuquet, Ph.D.
Director, Urban Affairs & Public Policy Program
School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy 


From: Charles Mason [mailto:mason@UDel.Edu]
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 7:02 PM
To: Steven Peuquet; Jeffrey Raffel
Cc: Mary Martin
Subject: Revision of Ph.D. Program in Urban Affairs and Public Policy

Program Proposal Review by Grad Studies Committee


Dear Professors Peuquet and Raffel:


Your proposal on revision of the existing Ph.D. program with a major in Urban Affairs and Public Policy was reviewed by the Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee and the committee has the following observations, questions, and recommendations:


1) The course numbered 866 listed on your academic approval form needs to be changed to 862 to match with your new course proposal on the course inventory list.  Likewise, 867 needs to be changed to 861.


2) The committee recommends that your graduate program admission requirements in your policy document be moved ahead of the degree requirements.


3) Is there an expected time factor in completing the teaching or research experience?  Is this expected before the student is admitted as a doctoral candidate?  In most doctoral programs, requirements of this nature have to be completed before admission to candidacy.  The committee recommends that you be explicit about your expectation or allowance on this matter.


4) On the academic approval form, you state that your changes include "higher required competency and coursework in research design and methodology, quantitative and qualitative methods," but it is not clear to the committee how this is being achieved from what it was before to that being proposed.  This may be in your proposal, but we were not able to pick it out.  It is helpful to specify that which is old contrasted with that which is new.


5) In your proposal, you refer to an Academic Program Review report.  We would like to see the portion of the report that addresses your graduate programs.  In a response back to us, we would like you to identify the points raised in the review that are being addressed and revised in your proposal.


Please prepare a written response on the points stated above.  If the changes or suggestions seem to be out of order, please specify why in your response.  After completing these, send an electronic file or files of your response and any supporting documentation as attached files accompanying an e-mail to me with a copy to Mary Martin.  In that regard, if you have something only available in paper copy (which is likely the case with the APR report), we would prefer it scanned into a PDF document, or if you don't have this available, let me know and I will facilitate this.  The Faculty Senate is trying to do everything electronic.  I will distribute your response to the members of the Graduate Studies Committee prior to a future committee meeting at which time we will revisit your program proposal.  At this meeting, we would like to have someone from your program present to speak on behalf of the proposal and answer any further questions from the committee.  Our next meeting is scheduled for February 11 at 8:30 a.m. (location TBD) and we could include your program if that is appropriate timing for you and the committee.  After that we will likely have meetings on February 25 and March 11, but these have not been firmed up yet.  For your reference, you can access your program proposal at the following web location under a recent agenda.  Once everything has been discussed to everyone's satisfaction our committee will make its recommendation on your proposal and I will forward it on to the Coordinating Committee on Education.


Please let me know if there is anything I can do to clarify any of this.


Thank you,


Chuck Mason


Charles E. Mason, Professor
Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee Chair
Dept. Entomology and
Wildlife Ecology
of Delaware
Newark, DE  19716-2160
Phone: 302 831-8888, Fax 831-8889