24 October 2003




To:  Karen Stein, University Faculty Senate President


From:  James Brophy, College Faculty Senate President


Re:  Resolution by College Senate to rename the College of Arts and Science to the College of Arts and Sciences


On 20 October 2003, the College Faculty Senate voted to rename the College to the College of Arts and Sciences.  This vote was a consequence of previous discussions in the Senate’s September meeting as well as the Senate’s Steering Committee.  The College Senate therefore submits the following resolution:


Whereas, the College of Arts and Science contains several scientific disciplines; and


Whereas, many faculty, administrators, and students already use “Sciences” when referring to the College in speech and writing; and


Whereas, the overwhelming majority of leading research universities in the United States already use “Sciences” instead of “Science” in their titles; and


Whereas the chairs and Faculty Senate of the College of Arts and Science unanimously concur with the Dean on the wisdom of renaming the College to reflect these observations;


Be it therefore resolved that the name of the College of Arts and Science be changed to the “College of Arts and Sciences.”




Hence, the College Faculty Senate asks the University Senate deliberate on this issue and to carry the matter forward to the Board of Trustees.