August 31, 2004

Mission Statement/Description/Executive Summary

Preservation is the study of the historical context and meaning of international cultural monuments and material heritage combined with the methods, policies, and philosophies necessary to insure their long-term survival and access.  The study mandates an interdisciplinary approach within the humanities and the sciences.  Informed preservation efforts, for Angkor Wat, for example, should embrace stone deterioration and the cultural history of the monument in addition to history of the region, including politics and religion.  Partnerships with global cultural heritage organizations are anticipated for international topics.

There is a keen international need for better understanding of mechanisms of deterioration from the small (e.g. ivory miniatures) to the large (outdoor bronze sculpture or historic sites) and the appropriate approaches to preservation.  Such approaches may range from conservation treatment procedures to larger issues of legislation and public policy.

The Preservation Studies Program (PSP) will be an interdisciplinary doctoral course of study that will teach the philosophies, research methodologies, and policies informing preservation efforts focused on art, architecture, landscapes, and material culture. It is distinct from other discipline-based courses of graduate study in that it provides a mechanism to combine cross-field expertise toward doctoral study in preservation.  The PSP will prepare students to address questions regarding individual objects and works of art, collections, buildings and structures, and sites and landscapes.  More specifically, it will train its Ph.D. candidates to 1) assess the significance and cultural contexts for the production, function, reception, and preservation of all aspects of visual and material culture; 2) identify, evaluate, and implement preservation practice and policy; and 3) integrate ideas and methods from the full range of preservation-related disciplines.


The abilities of the PSP doctoral students will be assessed first by a comprehensive qualifying examination which must be successfully passed to advance to pre-candidacy and to prove readiness for writing an acceptable dissertation in the selected concentration.  At the completion of the writing of the dissertation, the student must successfully defend the dissertation.

The Preservation Studies doctoral program will build on unique and distinguished programs at the
University of Delaware and will be administered by the Center for Material Culture Studies (CMCS) within the College of Arts and Sciences.   The PSP may involve collaboration with faculty and physical resources in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Human Services, Education, and Public Policy, Marine Studies, and the Winterthur Museum (which is already a collaborative partner with the University of Delaware for two graduate programs related to this new Ph.D. program). 


Applicants will apply to a specific area of concentration within Preservation Studies, and acceptance will be contingent upon compatibility with existing University of Delaware resources.  The CMCS will designate a potential dissertation supervisor who will work with the applicant to design a planned program of study.  The Coremans Endowment is already in place for fellowship funding for doctoral students in preservation studies within the College of Arts and Sciences.

I. A.1 Compatibility with the University of Delaware Mission

The PSP will apply the ideals of excellence in scholarship and service as identified in the University Mission Statement to an area of study which has unlimited potential in serving the needs of global material culture.  The nature of preservation studies is collaborative, involves problem solving, and will depend on the area’s unique cultural and technical institutions.  The interdisciplinary character of the program will require integration of a range of historical, aesthetic, and technical specialties.


I. A. 2 Description of the Planning Process 

The proposal was formed by a group of twelve faculty and administrators from nine different departments, programs, and the dean’s office.  The task force members include: the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Assoc. Dean for Arts and Humanities, the Director of MC Studies, the Chair and former Chair from Art Conservation, the former Director of the Conservation Ph.D., the Director of Museum Studies, the Director for the Center for Historic Architecture and Design, the Director of the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, the Preservation Department Head in the UD Library, the Associate Director of the Center for Historic Architecture and Design, and an Associate Professor from Anthropology. They have met regularly over the last year and a half to create an outline for a new doctoral program.  In winter of 2004, the Center for Material Culture Studies voted unanimously to administer the program.

Draft copies of the proposal were circulated, and five lunch-time meetings were held with thirty faculty members and administrators from possible cooperating departments and museums in March and April 2004.  Comments and suggestions were gathered and incorporated into the proposal.

The Art Conservation Research Ph.D. (1990-2003) has served as a pilot project for the proposed PSP.  Six students graduated from the program (including the 2003 winner of the Wilbur Owen Sypherd Prize for dissertations in the Humanities).  Because this former program required the students to fulfill lengthy requirements in both a humanities and a science department, the students took longer to complete the degree than was anticipated.  No dissertations had been completed when the program came up for review in 1995, and permanent status was not conferred.  There was also concern regarding the limited interactions of the small student population with the University population.

The coursework and examinations for the new, broader PSP will be more focused and the Biomechanics Ph.D. (BIOM) has served as an interdepartmental prototype.  As in the BIOM, the applicant will have chosen a specific area for research before admission.  Although a relatively small student body is anticipated, collaboration among the PSP students, their interdisciplinary supervising committees, and undergraduate and Master’s-level students in relevant departments will be arranged through a non-credit PSP seminar, required for three semesters, as in BIOM.  Students will be required to present their ongoing research on a regular basis to those in attendance.  We also plan to investigate connecting PSP students with undergraduate honors thesis students for one semester as appropriate according to topic.  An undergraduate honors AMCS course proposal will be initiated in Fall 2004.

I. A. 3 Impact on Other University Programs 

There are no known negative impacts that this program will impose on any other departments or programs within the University.  There are several anticipated positive effects.  It is expected to improve our position for obtaining external funding and to provide graduate students to departments that currently have no graduate student support.  It will increase interaction among the faculty and students in various departments and regional and international museums and cultural collections.  Program faculty will be drawn from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Human Services, Education and Public Policy, and Marine Studies, and may include the Departments of Anthropology, Art History, Art Conservation, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Entomology and Applied Ecology, Geography, Geology, History, Plant and Soil Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, the Center for Historic Architecture and Design; the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy, the Disaster Research Center, the Museum Studies Program, the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, and interested faculty and professional staff in other academic units relevant to any of the six areas of concentration.  The Art Conservation Research Ph.D. students worked successfully with professors and students in Chemistry, Art History, Art Conservation, Materials Science, Geology, and other departments and served as teaching assistants within Art Conservation.  It is anticipated that the PSP students will be interconnected in similar ways within an even greater variety of departments.

I. A. 4.  Utilization of Existing Resources 

The PSP curricula will build on existing coursework and research capabilities both on and off campus.  (See Appendix E for selected sample curricula.)   As is already the case, for example when students in the Winterthur Programs take coursework in Art, Art History, English, or History on the main campus, the presence of these PSP students in classes of cross-disciplinary focus will enrich the experience for other students. 

I. B.1.  Student Demand and Targeted Student Populations

Maximum enrollment is expected to be approximately eight matriculated students, one or two accepted a year, dependent upon the amount of additional funding which can be generated for student support in addition to the pre-existing Coremans Endowment.  All students must be full time for the first two semesters and may be part time after completing six three-credit courses.  Many applicants will be actively employed professionals who will conduct their work during sabbaticals or other leaves.  The dissertation will provide them the experience necessary to continue conducting high quality research throughout their careers and to advance the field in their specific disciplines.  At the same time, the opportunity to interact with students and faculty from a broad spectrum of preservation specialties will help the student to gain a wider view of the larger context of his or her area of concentration.  Such a larger view would be an asset to those wishing to move into administrative/managerial roles.

In the preservation disciplines such as historic preservation, art and architectural conservation, and museum studies, there are few opportunities to earn a doctoral degree.  Most programs provide practical training at the master's degree level for practitioners.  This program will provide training in the conduct of research, will allow students to pursue in-depth research on a topic of significance to their area of concentration, and at the same time will give them a greater theoretical grounding and will help them place their specialization into context within the broader field of preservation studies.  Strong interest in the program has already been expressed from those holding master's degrees in relevant disciplines.

I. C. Graduate / Professional Program Access (not applicable)

I. D. Demand and Employment Factors 

Students earning this degree are likely to be already employed in non-profit institutions such as museums, libraries, universities, and federal, state, and local historical organizations.  

The need at this time for a program of doctoral study in preservation reflects both a coming of age for the profession and recognition within the wider world of humanities studies of the central role that preservation has in supporting scholarly activity in humanities disciplines such as history, art history, material culture studies, and anthropology.

I. E. 1 Regional / State / National Factors 

There are no other known programs in North America that provide this interdisciplinary approach to a doctoral degree.  Currently there is only one other Ph.D. program related to preservation and conservation studies in existence: an interdepartmental doctoral program at the University of London.  There had been somewhat similar programs for a Ph.D. in conservation research at Götebergs University in Stockholm and in Canberra, Australia in addition to a doctoral program in conservation science at Johns Hopkins University.  Due to economic or staffing concerns, these programs are not currently accepting students.  Several related though more narrowly defined Ph.D. programs are currently active, such as a Ph.D. program in art conservation at the Royal College of Art/Victoria and Albert Museum; a Ph.D. program in conservation science at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London; Ph.D. programs in Historic Preservation at Tulane University and at the University of Texas, Austin; and a Ph.D. Program in Historic Preservation Planning at Cornell University.

I. F. 2 Accrediting / Professional Mandates (not applicable)

I. G. 1 Other Strengths 

The proposed PSP is a logical outgrowth of distinguished undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Delaware.  This new research-oriented program meets the strong interest and demand for a doctoral program encompassing the skills, theories, and policies relevant to the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage.  The program will foster and provide additional opportunities for collaboration and exchange among the departments and programs within the University that focus on different aspects of the preservation of cultural heritage.

I. G. 2 Collaborative Arrangements 

The proposed PSP will further enhance current collaborative arrangements among the University and surrounding museums (Winterthur Museum, Gardens, and Library, Hagley, Longwood, the Delaware Art Museum, etc.).


II. A. Enrollment Limitations / Criteria 

As mentioned above, maximum enrollment will initially be limited to approximately eight matriculated students, one or two accepted a year, dependent upon the amount of additional funding available to support students in this program, and by the availability of faculty members to serve as advisors within the demands of their individual workloads.  Students will be admitted to the program based upon enrollment availability and their ability to meet the following recommended entrance requirements:

II. A. 1 Admission Requirements/Criteria 

1.        All minimum University requirements.


2.        A Master's Degree in a discipline relevant to one of the program concentrations.  All college and university transcripts should be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies; these must come directly from the institution.


3.       A paragraph summary of intended dissertation research and the relation of this topic to existing UD expertise and resources in addition to answers to four essay questions.


4.       A personal statement discussing areas of interest, intellectual goals, and how this program would be seen to meet these goals. Applicants must demonstrate prior background work that will enable them to successfully complete graduate-level courses and conduct graduate-level research on the proposed dissertation topic.


5.       A professional and academic résumé is required.


6.       A writing sample to help the admissions committee assess the applicant’s ability to design and conduct a research project and to communicate findings to the scholarly community.


7.       Graduate Record Examination scores are required.  Applicants for whom English is not a native language should submit TOEFL scores in order to demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in the English language. A score of 550 or higher is required for paper-based TOEFL exams; 213 or higher is required for computer-based TOEFL exams.


8.       Three letters of recommendation that speak to the applicant's ability to conduct research in the chosen area of concentration.


9.       Submission of an official application form to the Office of Graduate Studies by February 1. 


10.    The committee may request additional materials. An on-campus interview is strongly encouraged. 


The PSP will convene a committee of at least three faculty members in the chosen area of expertise to process and consider the application after all materials listed above are received. Admission to the program will be selective and competitive based on the number of well-qualified applicants and the limits of available faculty and facilities for each concentration and dissertation topic area.  Applicants who meet stated minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet all of those requirements necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.


II. A. 2 Transfer Policy (not applicable)

II. A. 3 Retention Policy (not applicable)


II. B. 1 Student Expenses and Financial Aid 

This would vary according to topic.  The PSP students may be required to pay a fee to use Analytical Equipment at the Winterthur Museum Scientific Research and Analysis Laboratory, etc. There may also be equipment use costs at some UD labs.  All such costs will be anticipated, researched, and compiled by the student and advisor/committee chair, and potential funding sources identified or alternative research avenues developed prior to the approval of a dissertation proposal. The PSP may develop a small fund to which students could apply for these funding needs and will work with students to identify external funding sources whenever possible; however, the responsibility to raise funding for travel, analytical equipment fees, and other research-related support rests with the student.

II. B. 2 Student Financial Support 

The Coremans Endowment is in place and available for support for Ph.D. students in preservation studies especially in fields related to Art and Architectural Conservation.  The Coremans Endowment currently accrues $22,000 per year; these funds would be applied for competitively as part of the admissions process.  Some Teaching and Research Assistantships may also be available through collaborating units.  We anticipate that some students may be supported on external research grants as was the case with some of the Art Conservation doctoral Fellows.  Assistance will be awarded on a competitive basis to applicants best fitting the needs of the internal endowment, external granting agencies, and sponsoring faculty.  Students receiving full stipends will be expected to maintain full-time status and may be expected to work up to 20 hours a week assisting faculty with research or teaching.


The degree awarded would be a Ph.D. in Preservation Studies.

II. B. 1. Curriculum 

Requirements (see II.A. 1 above)

II. B. 2 Sample Curriculum (See also Appendix E, 1-5)

Upon their acceptance into the Program, students will meet with their advisors to formalize their curricula. They will choose approved courses relevant to their area of concentration and projected course of study. Areas of concentration include: Historic Preservation Planning (including Structures, Landscape, and Preservation of Social and Cultural Context), Preservation Technologies, Conservation Research and Technical Studies, and Heritage Management.


Each student’s curriculum must include a balance of courses that provide an introduction to the wide range of theoretical and methodological issues as well as courses supporting individual preservation research endeavors. Theoretical and methodological breadth ensures that all students in Preservation Studies are familiar with basic procedures of research design and data handling and analysis needed to conduct dissertation research.


Eighteen credits of coursework are required.  A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters (PRES 801); faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.  Three three-credit courses should be taken in each of two contiguous semesters in order to satisfy the University residency requirement.  Three courses will be required as approved by the advisor, selected in consultation with the student.  There will be three electives.  Once advanced to candidacy, students must register for at least 9 credits of Ph.D. dissertation credit (969).  (A total of 27 course credits.)


Normally only graduate level courses (600-699, 800-898, or 900-998) are applicable towards the course requirements.  Selection of appropriate electives will be done in consultation with the chair of the dissertation committee.


Proficiency in one or more foreign languages may be required for certain areas of concentration and/or dissertation topics and will be determined by the chair of the dissertation committee.  Likewise, proficiency in certain practical laboratory techniques may be necessary for certain concentrations as noted in Appendix E of curricula by concentration.


Students may develop a need to alter previously approved programs of study once they have entered the program due to reasons that can include scheduling conflicts or the creation of new courses directly related to the student’s goals.  Students who wish to make changes to their program of study should first obtain permission from their advisor.  The advisor must then make a written request to the Material Culture Studies Director and the MCSD Executive Committee.


Written Qualifying Examination


After 18 credits of course work have been graded, the student must pass a pre-proposal examination in the areas of concentration, supervised by senior faculty from the appropriate departments.  The scope and content of the examination will be determined by the dissertation committee chair in consultation with members of the committee and/or professors of courses the student has completed for the concentration requirement.  The qualifying examination must be passed before the student proceeds with pre-candidacy study.


Dissertation Committee


During the first year of the program each student in cooperation with his or her advisor will nominate, for approval by the program director, a dissertation committee consisting of at least four but not more than six members.  The committee chairperson must have an established record of publication and/or scholarship in the area of concentration selected by the student, and must be a full-time University of Delaware faculty member.  The majority of committee members must be full-time University of Delaware faculty; the majority of committee members must hold doctoral degrees.  Students are required to select at least one external member, from outside the University, in order to broaden the perspectives of the committee.  The external member(s) should have an established record of publication and/or scholarship in the area of concentration of the dissertation.  A student can request a change in the committee in writing with justification to the Director of CMCS.  Once the student has advanced to candidacy and the dissertation committee is approved by the Director for the CMCS, it is forward to the Office of Graduate Studies for review and approval.


Dissertation Proposal


One semester after passing the qualifying examination, the student must submit a formal dissertation proposal (of about 10-15 pages) to his or her dissertation committee.  The proposal should define the research question, demonstrate its significance to preservation studies and within the chosen area of concentration, provide a context for the project within the relevant published literature, outline the proposed research methods, and provide a timetable for conduct of the research and writing phases.  After the proposal has been circulated to the dissertation committee, the committee will meet as a group with the student to discuss and refine the proposal.


Any dissertation proposals that involve human or animal subjects must follow the guidelines for approval of such proposals that exist in all Colleges and external institutions represented by the student’s doctoral committee.


Dissertation committee members should sign the final copy of the approved proposal.  A signed copy of the approved dissertation proposal should be forwarded to the Program Director.  Students who fail the dissertation proposal presentation will receive one additional opportunity to repeat the process and defend a new or modified dissertation proposal




A student must be in full-time residence for the first year of study: two contiguous semesters.  The purpose of this requirement is to enable a student to participate fully in the scholarly community of the University for a sustained period of time.  In addition to benefiting the student, such participation also benefits other preservation studies students, and students and faculty of collaborating departments who have the opportunity to interact more closely with a student in residence.  A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters; faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.


Advancement to Candidacy

A student can be admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree after completing all required course work, passing the written examination, fulfilling the residency requirement, and having had a dissertation proposal accepted by the committee.  Once advanced to candidacy, students must register for at least 9 credits of Ph.D. dissertation credit (969) usually while conducting dissertation research full time.  Subsequently, candidates are required to register for Ph.D. sustaining credit (U999) each semester.  This is not a full-time registration but only a registration to ensure that the student is active until degree requirements are met.




The dissertation is expected to reflect the results of original and high quality research of significance to preservation studies, written in a scholarly and literary manner worthy of publication.  The dissertation is the focal point of this research-oriented degree, and thus the majority of a student's time will be spent on this component of the degree requirements.  Three of the five or more chapters could be considered publishable separately, if appropriate.


Dissertation Defense


The student will conduct an oral defense of the work to all members of the committee at once at least two weeks after delivery of the completed dissertation.  After all questions have been fielded, the dissertation committee will meet to decide whether the dissertation is accepted, rejected, or accepted pending revisions.   The success of the defense will be determined by a committee vote. 


In the case of dissenting votes, the majority opinion rules and a majority vote in favor is needed for a successful dissertation and defense (in the case of a tie, the vote will be in the favor of the student).


Time Limit


There is a ceiling of five years for the completion of all requirements of the Ph.D. degree, including the dissertation and defense.  Extensions may be granted on a year-to-year basis if the student can demonstrate continuing progress.  The PSP Faculty meets annually to review the student’s class performance, progress toward degree, commitment to the field of study, and appropriate contribution to the university community.  Failure to demonstrate progress may result in termination from the program; such terminations will be done in consultation between the dissertation committee chair, the program director, and the Office of Graduate Studies.  If, in the professional judgment of the program faculty, a student has failed to make satisfactory progress toward meeting the academic standards of the program, the faculty may vote to dismiss that student from the program. In the case of dismissal, the program director is required to send a report to the Office of Graduate Studies that states the faculty vote on the decision causing dismissal and the justification for this action. The Office of Graduate Studies will notify the student in writing when the student is being dismissed for failure to make satisfactory progress in the program. In the case of academic dismissal, the student may appeal the termination in writing to the Office of Graduate Studies.


III. B. 3 Support Letters from Affected Departments 

Program faculty will be drawn from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Human Services, Education and Public Policy, and Marine Studies, and may include the Departments of Anthropology, Art History, Art Conservation, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geography, Geology, History, the Center for Historic Architecture and Design; the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy, the Material Culture Studies Center, Museum Studies Program, the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, and interested faculty and professional staff in other academic units relevant to any of the four areas of concentration. 

Please see attached letters.

IV. A. RESOURCES AVAILABLE Learning Resources 

The PSP will be supported by the excellent print, audio visual, and electronic resources already available for art, art conservation, art history, chemistry, history, etc. through the Morris Library and its branches as well as the research libraries of nearby museums, historical societies, and archives.  We have met with the Director of the Libraries who has written a letter verifying support.

IV. B Faculty / Administrative Resources 

Strengths and ongoing research of University of Delaware departments may include, depending on faculty availability, scheduling, and sabbaticals:  Historic Preservation Planning, Preservation Technologies, Structures and Landscapes, Conservation Research and Technical Studies, Museum Studies, and Preservation of Social and Cultural Context.  Sample curricula are attached as Appendix E.


IV. C External Funding 

As previous examples, external funding became available for the Art Conservation Research doctoral Fellows through the Andrew W. Mellon and Samuel H. Kress Foundations and the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, Natchitoches, LA (NCPTT). 

Current development plan:

Support for student fellowships:

1.        We plan to offer up to five years of support per full-time doctoral student.  ($11,500 in fellowship support per student is required in order for the students to qualify for the tuition scholarships through the Graduate Studies office.)

2.        Some departments with research grants may be able to offer support to certain PSP students, according to topic and specialty.

3.        The Coremans Fellowship, now in place, is able to offer about $22,000 annually to topics related to Art and Architectural Conservation and Technical Studies. As of 11/03 this account has a balance of $47,000 (interest available from the endowment).

4.        Additional proposals will be sent to:

a.        The Samuel H. Kress Foundation (supported at least six person years of the former Art Conservation Ph.D. and is likely to be especially interested in topics concerned with fine arts, archaeology, and under-researched topics of art conservation)

b.        The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (supported at least six person years of the former Art Conservation Ph.D. and is likely to be especially interested in topics concerned with conservation science or photographic materials conservation)

c.        The Getty Grant Program (has noted that after supporting the Master’s-level program with grants for a number of years, proposals regarding a new initiative would be welcome)

d.        The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) in Natchitoches, Louisiana  (supported an Art Conservation Ph.D. student studying stone deterioration)

e.        The National Park Service, (likely to offer support to students studying architectural preservation, corrosion of outdoor sculpture, preservation of material culture, and under-researched topics that relate to the preservation of NPS collections and sites)

f.         National Endowment for the Humanities (likely to offer support to students studying preventive conservation and the preservation of material culture, textiles, furniture, archives, etc.)

g.        The E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation (may offer partial 

      research support for work focused on the preservation of Asian art)

h.   National Science Foundation

h.        Selected foundations for smaller research grants to support some of          

the costs associated with doctoral study and research travel, including The Graham Foundation for the Advanced Study in Fine Arts (architecture), Archaeological Institute of America (travel and research study focused on the protection of the world’s cultural heritage), the American Council of Learned Societies (topic related to the history of the visual arts in the US), the Judith Rothschild Foundation (preservation of lesser known contemporary artists), and the Rockefeller Foundation (preservation of marginalized, non-Western cultures).


Support for office needs and start-up funding

5.        The Art Conservation Department will offer $7,000 for the development/printing of marketing brochures; work study student support for distribution of marketing materials and Xeroxing applications, etc.



   (will vary according to applicants, but will be based on existing resources in all areas)




There are already applicants waiting to hear if this program will begin accepting applications.  In addition the            PSP will be announced in publications of the related membership organizations such as the American       Institute for Conservation, International Institute for Conservation, American Association of Museums,      ICOM-CC, Society of American Archivists, American Library Association, National Trust for Historic                 Preservation, Association of Preservation Technology (APT), National Council for Preservation Education, and National Association of State Historic Preservation Officers, etc.


                Applicants are to contact the PSP office well in advance of the February 1 deadline, and a preliminary             interview will be arranged by telephone or electronic mail in order to determine if there are potential faculty members available in the chosen concentration and what travel or analytical equipment funding may be              necessary.


VI. B. 1 Evaluation Plan 


The normal university process will include the “temporary status” vs. permanent approval review process as well as the “normal” APR process for any academic program.  We suggest that the review for permanent approval be scheduled for eight years after the start up when it is anticipated that there will be at least three completed dissertations.  External experts in the related fields will be gathered as per past practice.



A.      Accreditation Criteria [not applicable]

B.       Letters of Collaborative Agreement 

C.       Transfer / Retention Policy [not applicable]

D.      Letters of Approval from Contributing Departments  

E.       Selected sample curricula 


APPENDIX E Sample Curricula

PSDP Sample Program of Study for Concentration in Historic Preservation Planning


Dissertation topic:  The history of urbanism and the preservation of historic urban environments.


Sample student background:   A student following this curriculum plan would have a Master’s degree and one of the following backgrounds:  (1) Previous work with historic sites surveys and National Register nominations in her state. (2) Oversight of architectural inventories and the publication of those inventories in a series of descriptive technical reports. (3) Background in Historic Preservation publication.  (4) Desire to advance in the field of historic preservation and broaden the interpretive framework for the public interpretation of historic architecture, landscapes, and sites.  Goals likely to be professional advancement with an eye toward steering preservation practice toward humanistic as well as planning goals.


Special prerequisites:  Prior experience in field-based architectural history and preservation planning. MA or certification in architectural history, urban history, historic preservation, or museum studies expected.


Suggested coursework:

Required courses (9 credits)

UAPP 610 Urban Land Use Planning and Administration

MSST 608 Public History: Resources, Research, and Practice

HIST 605 Theories in Material Culture

PRES 801 A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters; faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.


An additional 9 credits to be chosen from any of the following courses:

ARTH 667 The Town House in England and America

ARTH 667 Renaissance Urbanism

GEOG 638 World Cities in Comparative Perspective

UAPP 635 Evolution of the American Urban Landscape

ARTH 654 Vernacular Architecture

HIST 657 Historical Archaeology and the Public

Other courses in Urban Affairs and Public Policy, Museum Studies, History


Followed by the dissertation.


Suggested committee members:  The committee could include faculty with a particular interest in urban form and preservation from Geography (urban historical geography); Center for Historic Architecture and Design (urban geography, land use planning, and public policy); Art History (urban architecture, town planning, and historic preservation); History (architectural history, industrial history, and museum studies).


·         New graduate courses designated with “experimental” 67 numbers are offered every semester. The faculty advisor(s) would work with the student in identifying and taking advantage of these offerings.



PSDP Sample Program of Study for Concentration in Preservation Technologies


Dissertation topic:  Preservation of Outdoor Metal Sculpture. 


A student working in this area might do a dissertation involving one or more of the following research topics:  testing coatings for corrosion protection, testing corrosion inhibitors, developing and testing new methods for monitoring corrosion susceptibility, identifying corrosion products and deterioration mechanisms, studying the relationship between atmospheric pollutants and corrosion mechanisms, testing the effects of cleaning regimes on sculpture surfaces and aesthetics, investigating the role of biocorrosion in deterioration of outdoor sculpture and sculpture coatings, or studying issues of original artist intent versus deterioration and conservation approaches.


Sample student background: A student following this curriculum plan would have one of the following backgrounds: (1) be a practicing conservator with experience in sculpture conservation, with a Master’s degree in art conservation or a related field and additional undergraduate or graduate courses in chemistry, materials science, or metallurgy/metallography; or (2) have a Master’s degree in materials science or chemistry, with additional courses and/or experience in sculpture techniques, art history, conservation science, or sculpture conservation.


Special prerequisites:  GRE required


Suggested coursework:

Required courses (9 credits):

MSEG 606              Corrosion and Protection

MSST 645              Technology of Cultural Materials: Metals

One of these two:

MSEG 602              Structure of Materials

MSEG 603              Analytical Techniques in Materials Science

PRES 801 A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters; faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.


An additional 9 credits to be chosen from any of the following courses:

MEEG 634              Air Pollution Processes

GEOG 651              Microclimatology

CHEM 622             Electroanalytical Chemistry

CHEM 623             Chemometrics

CHEM 624             Principles of Mass Spectrometry

CHEM 626             Instrumental Methods in Mass Spectrometry

CHEM 627             Practical Mass Spectrometry

CHEM 680             Introduction to Polymer Science

ARTH                    Any art history graduate seminar focusing on sculpture


Followed by the dissertation.


Suggested committee members:  The committee could include a faculty member in Museum Studies who does research on corrosion and metal artifacts; a materials scientist with interest in corrosion and protection of metals; a chemist who can analyze atmospheric particulate matter or study deterioration of polymeric coatings; an artist with experience in fabrication techniques and materials of sculpture; external members could be a corrosion scientist and/or a local sculpture conservator or conservation scientist with expertise in metals.



PSDP Sample Program of Study for Concentration in Conservation Research and Technical Studies


Dissertation topic: Misconceptions in 19th-century revivalism of 16th-17th-century Old Master techniques: e.g. Delacroix copying Rubens and Washington Allston copying Titian.  Contemporary letters, documents, treatises on painting methods would be examined, paintings sampled, and media and pigments compared.  (Delacroix mistakenly copied paintings by his hero Rubens when they were covered with discolored varnish and consequently thought they were much darker than they actually were, affecting his painting technique accordingly, and Washington Allston, known as the “American Titian,” interlayered varnish into his paint films in an attempt to imitate the natural translucency of aged oil paint making them quite dangerous to clean.)


Sample student background:  A student following this curriculum plan would have one of the following backgrounds:  (1) be a practicing paintings conservator with a Master’s degree in art conservation (2) be an art historian with a Master’s degree with additional undergraduate or graduate courses in chemistry, materials science or paint technology.


Special prerequisites:  Reading knowledge in French or Italian would be helpful.  GRE scores, especially quantitative, are required.


Suggested coursework:

Required coursework (9 credits)

3 courses in current scientific methods, to be adjusted according to the expertise of the applicant, but possibly including:

ARTC 672, ARTC 673 Chemical and Physical Techniques Used in the Examination of Art Materials III and IV

ARTC 666 Independent study on microscopy of paint cross-sections, fluorescent staining, and work with faculty from the Chemistry Department on Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.

PRES 801 A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters; faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.


An additional  9 credits to be chosen from any of the following:

ARTH 611 Studies in Italian Renaissance Art

ARTH 617 Studies in Northern Baroque Art

ARTH 621 Studies in 19th-century Art

Other relevant courses in the Art Conservation, Art History, or History


Followed by the dissertation.


Suggested committee members: The committee could include one or two art historians with expertise in Renaissance/Baroque or Nineteenth-century paintings, a paintings conservator from WUDPAC, one or two scientists with expertise in microscopy, Fourier-Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy, and GC-MS (from WUDPAC or chemistry dept.)




PSDP Sample Program of Study for Concentration in Heritage Management (may include buildings, sites, landscapes, towns)


Dissertation topic:  The preservation of buildings by museums (representing one or a variety of disciplines) in museum settings.  Included would be structures conceived to meet museum functions, as well as historic structures entrusted to museums for care and interpretation.  Development of this topic would entail research in a spectrum of published and archival sources, field inspections and recording, and the establishment of mentoring relationships with resource people from Museum Studies, Art History, History, Political Science and International Relations, Early American Culture, the Center for Historic Architecture and Design, and other pertinent departments and programs at the University.


 Sample student background:  Applicants will have a Master’s degree in history, art history, historic preservation, museum studies, or a related field.  Career work or volunteer service in a museum (any discipline) or historical institution is also preferred.  Applicants should have a long-term interest in the preservation of the architecture, landscapes, and material culture of museums and historical organizations in the United States and around the world.


 Special prerequisites:  Master’s-level coursework including three of the following: social/cultural/intellectual history, history of art, architectural history, international relations, public policy, cultural resource management, economic development, and historic preservation.


 Suggested coursework:

Required courses (9 credits):

MSST 802 The Leadership and Management of Museums

UAPP 841 Management and Governance of Nonprofit Organizations

POSC 843 Global Governance: Theory and Cases

PRES 801 A non-credit seminar for presentation of research in progress will also be required for three semesters; faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in related departments will be encouraged to attend.


 An additional 9 credits to be chosen from any of the following courses:

MSST 801 Museum Curatorship and Collections Management 

MSST 803  Museums and Modern Technology 

MSST 805  Historic Properties 

MSST 808   Museum Education and Interpretation

MSST 810  Environmental Institution Management 

POSC 813 American Foreign Policy

POSC 656 Politics and Disaster

POSC 840 International Political Economy

SOCI 813 Current Issues in Social Theory

UAPP 833 Financial Management in Public and Nonprofit Sectors

additional Museum Studies courses or related coursework in  History, Early American Culture, Art Conservation, Historic Preservation


 Followed by the dissertation


 Suggested committee members:  The committee could include one or two art historians with strength in architectural history, and one or two historians of social, cultural and/or intellectual history, and a preservation studies scholar with expertise in preservation philosophy, history and analytical techniques.



NOTE:  A Ph.D. student in any of the other PSP concentrations might wish also to earn a Museum Studies certificate by completing twelve credit hours of required course work, including a three-credit-hour internship, and would be recognized by the awarding of a Certificate in Museum Studies at the time the student receives his/her academic degree.