

Addition of a Marine Science Track within the Environmental Science Major, an interdepartmental major involving GEOG, GEOL, and BISC




Whereas the current ENSC major has three tracks (or concentrations) representing the three cooperating departments (Atmospheric, Biological, and Geological environments), and


Whereas the ENSC program would benefit from the addition of a fourth track focused on the oceans, and


Whereas ENSC students have expressed an interest in focusing on marine science concepts in their preparation for employment or post-graduate study, and


Whereas faculty within the College of Marine Studies offer courses and research opportunities that can meet the needs of ENSC students, and


Whereas the proposed addition of a Marine Science Track within the existing ENSC major will not require any new courses or library resources, be it therefore



Resolved  that a new TRACK in MARINE SCIENCE be created within the Environmental Science (ENSC) major, and be if further


Resolved  that modifications in the three existing tracks in ENSC be made to create four parallel tracks, each with a body of common core courses and supplementary courses focused on each individual track.