Rev. 2-14-05


Resolution for Extension of Time for


Review of Ph.D. Program in Entomology and Applied Ecology


Whereas           the Ph.D. program in Entomology and Applied Ecology was initiated September 1, 2000, after provisional approval by the Faculty Senate in 1999, and


Whereas           the expected time for completing a doctoral degree in this field of study for fulltime students is three to four years after earning the master’s degree and five to six years following the bachelor’s degree, and


Whereas           the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, which administers this program, up to this point has recruited a respectable number of well qualified students for this program, has four students holding a master’s degree who are making satisfactory progress in the program, and has 10 out of 30 students in the department’s two master’s programs who have excellent potential for continuing in the Ph.D. program, and


Whereas,          based on the need for a program of this nature to have seven years at a minimum to recruit applicants and reach a point of successfully graduating students, and the belief that this program is making satisfactory progress, the Committee on Graduate Studies recommends that the Ph.D. program in Entomology and Applied Ecology be granted a three-year extension before review for permanent status, be it therefore



Resolved          that an extension of three years is granted for the provisional status of the Ph.D. Program in Entomology and Applied Ecology, which will then be reviewed for permanent status during the 2007 academic year.