Unit 2
P/F Writing Assignment

  1. Select the unit(s) or chapter(s) for your test construction project. (Remember that it has to be for Grade 5 or above.) You are free to change it later if you find a better one. You will need to turn in a xeroxed copy of the chapter/unit at the end of the semester.
  2. Write one specific learning outcome for your chapter for each of the six levels of the Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives. This requires that you distinguish the meaning of the six levels and understand that specific learning outcomes require an action verb. They represent some observable behavior that you can evaluate (see especially pp. 66-68 of your textbook). Note: This can be difficult, so just do your best. We will go over them in class. You will need to identify a set of these objectives for your project later in the semester. These 6 will probably constitute just a sample of your eventual project's total set of learning outcomes.

Assistance: It might help to point out that the difference between the 6 Bloom levels is the complexity level of the mental processes they require. For example,

  1. "knowledge/remember" just requires regurgitating facts
  2. "comprehend/understand" requires that the student be able to process that understanding to reproduce it in different words
  3. "apply" requires being able to use that knowledge/principle/etc. in a new or unfamiliar situation
  4. "analyze" requires taking a complicated whole (say, living vs. nonliving things) and breaking it down into meaningful pieces or dimensions so that its nature can be better understood
  5. "evaluate" requires comparing something against an external standard of quality (rules of scientific logic, criteria of quality/goodness/rightness specified by the student) to reach a value judgment about that thing (e.g., the student might have to justify their stand for or against abortion)
  6. synthesize/create" requires producing something new--assembling pieces into something new that is more than the sum of its parts (an invention, creative story, etc.)

Additional Assistance: All you need to do is list the 6 specific learning outcomes (SLOs), but make sure you label what Bloom level they are. How specific should they be? Learning outcomes should be NOT be as narrow as questions on the test. Rather, they should bring to mind the sorts of questions you might ask. They are your guides, from one marking period or year to another, on the sorts of questions you might write to sample learning for that objective. For example (these are for different subjects):

  1. Knowledge/remember: "Select definition of key concepts (e.g., myosis, Punnett square)"
  2. Comprehend/understand: "Identify examples of different forms of government."
  3. Apply: "Correct grammatical errors."
  4. Analyze: "Compare the major arguments for and against a major social policy or political action (e.g., abortion, affirmative action)"
  5. Evaluate: "Evaluate how well an experiment followed the scientific method."
  6. Synthesize/create: "Give a short speech explaining a point of view."