Undergraduate Research Scholars
Winter 2000

Scholar:  Kelly Chisholm

Major:  Chemistry/French
Research Mentor:  John Bulkowski, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Project Title:  Organic Synthesis of Coordination Compounds Binding Dioxygen

Scholar:  Isaac Hubner <>Major:  Biochemistry
Research Mentor:  John Koh, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Project Title:  Thyroid Hormone Drug Analogs that Interact with Mutant Receptors
Presentations: 64th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference, Bloomsberg University, 15 April 2000
Honors and Awards:  2001 HHMI Graduate Fellowship, Harvard University.
Publication: Y. Shi, Hai-Fen Ye, Kristian H. Link, M.C.Putnam, Isaac Hubner, Sarah Dowdel, and John T. Koh, (2005). Mutant-selective thyromimetics for the chemical rescue of thyroid hormone mutants associated with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). Biochemistry, 44, 4612-4626.

Photo not available Scholar:  Erika Kutsch

Major:  Biology
Research Mentor:  Melinda Duncan, Department of Biological Sciences
Project Title:  Subcellular Location of Bves

Scholar: Laura Maliszewski

Major:  Biotechnology
Research Mentor:  Allan Shapiro, Department of Plant and Soil Science
Project Title: Small Molecule Signal Transduction in Plant Resistance
Fall 2001: Graduate Student in Virology Harvard Medical School

Scholar:  Elizabeth Manning

Major:  Biology
Research Mentor:  Robert Hodson, Department of Biological Sciences
Project Title:  Characterization of Turtle Apolioprotein-A-II Gene
Honors and Awards: Elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi

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Created 30 May 2000; Up dated 29 October 2007 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]
Copyright 2000, Harold B. White, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware