71th Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference
Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland, 14 April 2007

Seven University of Delaware students were among the 26 students from 8 colleges and universities who presented their research at the 71th annual Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference (ISCC) held at Salisbury University 14 April 2007. Next year's ISCC will be 26 April 2008 at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.
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University of Delaware Chemistry and Biochemistry Participants in the
2007 Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference.

From left to right:

Andrea Passarelli, (Chemistry Jr) Organic Chemistry II, "Bromomandelate Formation and Addition of Ethyl Acrylate to a Cyclic Bromomandelate"
(Prof. Douglass Taber)

Rich Karpowicz, (Biochemistry Sr) First Place, Organic Chemistry II
"Synthesis of Metalofoldamers as Enantioselective Catalysts" 
(Prof. Joseph Fox)

 James Nelson,  (Biochemistry Sr) Biochemistry,
"Design of Coiled-Coil Leucine Zippers for Use in Two- and Three-Dimensional Nanostructures"
(Prof. Kristi Kiick, Material Science and Engineering)

John Meyers, (Chemistry Jr), Second Place, Inorganic Chemistry, "A New Family of Intermetallic Compounds of the Rare-earth (RE) Elements Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er. : Synthesis and Structural Characterization of RE2CdGe2" (Prof. Svilen Bobev)

Tapan Patel, (Biochemistry and Math, Sr), Second Place, Biochemistry,
"Predicting the Structure of Prox1-PCNA Complex"
(Prof. Melinda Duncan, Biological Sciences)

Patrick Knerr, (Biochemistry Jr), First Place, Biochemistry,
"Zinc-triggered Hydrogenation of Designed beta-Hairpin Peptides"
(Profs. Joel Schneider and Colin Thorpe)

Dan Silverio.  (Chemistry Sr) Organic Chemistry II,
"A New Method for the Deprotection of Aryl mesylates"

Prof. Douglass Taber)

Rich Karpowicz receiving first prize in the Organic Chemistry II Division from Dr. Liz Papish.

Pat Knerr receiving his first prize
in the Biochemistry Division.

John Meyers receiving his second prize in the Inorganic Chemistry Division.

Tapan Patel receiving second prize in the Biochemistry Division.

While waiting for the Plenary talk by Paul Chirik from Cornell University, Rich says, "You see, there's this big round hole..."  Pat and Tapan don't believe it. It has got to be square. Dr. Burmeister and Andrea are more interested in the camera. Dan is doing his home work and listening to something else.

While exploring the Salisbury campus, the Delaware delegation discovered some statues of interest.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Home Page
Delaware students at Intercollegiate Student Chemists' (ISC) Conferences: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,

Page created 15 April 2007 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]