Page 2: Falling Out and Reconciliation

Written by Harold B. White, Sept 1993, revised 1995, 1997, & 2000

At the time of his death, Allan Wilson's hypothesis that all living humans had a common maternal ancestor who lived in Africa as recently as 200 thousand years ago was gaining wide acceptance. This appeared to be a second major scientific victory for him. In 1967, he and Vincent Sarich (6) shook the human family tree when they claimed, based on immunological comparisons of serum albumins, that humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas had a common ancestor five million years ago. At the time paleoanthropologists, who had settled on a common ancestor about fifteen million years ago or more, resented and challenged the invasion of their domain by outsiders. Nevertheless, most anthropologists now accept times of five to eight million years ago. Similarly, Wilson's "Eve Hypothesis" (20, 24) was challenged by some paleoanthropologists who would have accepted a common human ancestor closer to one million years ago (28, 29). Other paleoanthropologists agreed with Wilson's conclusions (30).

During the past few decades, powerful computers have been developed, and computer programs for constructing trees based on homologous DNA and protein sequences have become rather sophisticated (31-33). As a consequence most people who use them do not fully appreciate their limitations. Some researchers (34) thought that Wilson's group (20) had over-interpreted their data. Although Wilson's next major paper in the area (24) was published posthumously, reverence for him did not inhibit a full-scale challenge of his methodology (35-40) that elicited a partial retraction by a coauthor (41). While the original data are good, his reanalysis showed that the "Out of Africa" model was somewhat weakened, but not rejected, and the "dating of Eve" not strongly challenged (42, 43).


There are a number of issues that emerge from Wilson's work and the challenges to it. These issues are often difficult to understand. In your group, discuss all of the topics listed below. Select one topic that interests you research it and attempt to explain it to someone not in this class. Having identified the areas of difficulty, write a thoughtful, clear and concise, at least 3-page explanation or discussion with references and illustrations as appropriate to hand in Wednesday, March 20. Please note that in the decade since this case study was last revised, researchers have sequenced the entire genomes of many humans, a Neandertal (52), and a Denisovan (53).

a. Wilson's conclusions relate only to the most recent matrilineal ancestor of all humans. There were many other women living at that time who are also our ancestors. Explain. Is it possible that the most recent patrilineal ancestor lived more recently (44)? What is known about the evolution of the Y chromosome that is inherited paternally (27, 47)?

b. There are a variety of ways to construct phylogenetic trees from sequence data. Because there must be a single phylogeny, why do the various methods sometimes give different answers, none of which may be the true phylogeny? Would the phylogeny be affected if nuclear DNA sequences were used (45)?

c. The estimation of the time when the most recent maternal ancestor lived is based on the molecular clock hypothesis. Describe this concept. What assumptions are made when it is used? How was it calibrated for mitochondrial DNA in Wilson's work?

d. What can the fossil record tell us about our most recent common ancestor? Is it possible for both the paleoanthropologists and the molecular evolutionists to be correct?

e. To many people, the results of Wilson's work have troublesome interpretations. How is it possible that our ancestors swept across the world displacing other human-like relatives, such as the Neandertals, without leaving any survivors or any evidence of interbreeding? Are we descended from an especially blood-thirsty tribe that murdered and plundered their way to world dominance? In 1997, a group of scientists reported the nucleotide sequence of a region of mitochondrial DNA extracted from a 30,000+ year-old Neandertal bone from the type specimen (46). DNA from another Neanderthal was analyzed (51). How would you interpret this sequence in the context of the above speculations? Likewise how would you interpret this in light of the fact that the genetic diversity among chimpanzees is almost four times greater than in humans (48)?

f. Mitochondrial DNA provides insights into human migrations such as the peopling of the Pacific Islands and the New World (49). How do these studies compare to the archaeological and linguistic analyses of human migration? Would nuclear DNA be a better choice for studying migrations (50)?

References cont.

28. Thorne, A. G. & Wolpoff, M. H. (1992) "The multiregional evolution of humans" Scientific American, pp. 76-83, April. (See also the accompanying article by Wilson and Cann, "Recent African genesis of humans" pp. 68-73.)
29. Frayer, D. W., Wolpoff, M. H., Thorne, A. G., Smith, F. H. & Pope, G. G. (1993) "Theories of modern human origins: The paleontological test" American Anthropologist 95, 14-50.
30. Stringer, C. B. (1990) "The emergence of modern humans" Scientific American, pp. 98-104, December.
31. Hillis, D. M., Bull, J. J., White, M. E., Badgett, M. R. & Molineux, I. J. (1992) "Experimental phylogenetics: generation of a known phylogeny" Science 255, 589-592.
32. Stewart, C-B. (1993) "The powers and pitfalls of parsimony" Nature 361, 603-607.
33. Hillis, D. M., Huelsenbeck, J. P., and Cunningham, C. W. (1994) "Application and accuracy of molecular phylogenies" Science 264, 671-677.
34. Darlu, P. & Tassy, P. (1987) "Disputed African origin of human populations" Nature 329, 111 (response from Cann et al., Nature 329, 111-112).
35. Templeton, A. R. (1992) "Human origins and analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences" Science 255, 737.
36. Barinaga, M. (1992) "'African Eve' backers beat a retreat" Science 255, 686-687.
37. Gee, H. (1992) "Statistical cloud over African Eden" Nature 355, 583.
38. Maddison, D. R. (1991) "African origin of human mitochondrial DNA reexamined" Syst. Zool. 40, 355-363.
39. Goldman, N. & Barton, N. H. (1992) "Human origins: genetics and geography" Nature 357, 440-441.
40. Templeton, A. R. (1993) "The 'Eve' Hypothesis: A genetic critique and reanalysis" American Anthropologist 95, 51-72.
41. Hedges, S. B., Kumar, S., Tamura, K. & Stoneking, M. (1992) (response to ref. 24) Science 255, 737-739.
42. Hasegawa, M. & Horai, S. (1991) "Time of the deepest root for polymorphism in human mitochondrial DNA" J. Mol. Evol. 32, 37-42.
43. Hasegawa, M., Di Rienzo, A., Kocher, T. D., & Wilson, A. C. (1993) Toward a more accurate time scale for the human mitochondrial tree. J. Mol. Evol. 37, 347-354.
44. Dorit, R. L., Akashi, H., and Gilbert, W. (1995) "Absence of polymorphism at the ZFY' locus of the human Y chromosome" Science 268, 1183-1185. (See also the commentary by S. Pääbo "The Y chromosome and the origin of all of us (men)" on p. 1141-1142 of the same issue.)
45. Nei, M. (1995) "Genetic support for the out-of-Africa theory of human evolution" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92, 6720-6722.
46. Krings, M., Stone, A., Schmitz, R. W., Krainitzki, H., Stoneking, M. & Pääbo, S. (1997) " Neandertal DNA sequences and the origin of modern humans" Cell 90, 19 - 30. Also, Lindahl, T. (1997) "Facts and artifacts of ancient DNA" Cell 90, 1 - 3. (See Commentary in Science 277,176-178 and Letters in Science 277, .)
47. Lahn, B. T. and Page, D. C. (1999) Four evolutionary strata on the human X chromosome. Science 286, 964 -967. (See also the commentary on page 877 of the same issue.)
48. Kaessmann, H., Wiebe, V., and Pääbo, S. (1999) Extensive nuclear DNA sequence diversity among chimpanzees. Science 286, 1159 - 1162.
49. Schurr, T. G. (2000) Mitochondrial DNA and the peopling of the New World. American Scientist 88, 246 - 253.
50. Owens, K. and King, M-C. (1999) Genomnic views of human history. Science 286, 451- 453.
51. Ovchinnikov, I. V., Gotherstrom, A., Romanova, G. P., Kharitonov, V. M., Liden, K., and Goodwin, W. (2000) Molecular Analysis of Neandertal DNA from the northern Caucasus. Nature 404, 490-493.
52. Green R. E. et al., “A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome” Science 328, 710-722 (2010).
53. Meyer, M. et al. “A High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual” Science 338, 222-228.

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Created 6 September 2000. Last updated 9 Marchn 2013 by Hal White
Copyright 2013, Harold B. White, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716