Anne Wildman Braun

Anne received her B.A. in French from Mount Holyoke College in 1955, and her M.A. in French from Middlebury College in 1956. With the aid of a Fulbright Scholarship, she went to France aboard the Liberté in 1955; by a strange coincidence, we were both on that ship, but did not meet then. She did further graduate work in French at the Sorbonne and at the University of California, Berkeley. She also earned a junior college teaching certificate.

This certificate was put to use at Bakersfield College in California, where she taught French and English from 1962 to 1965. She then taught French and English at the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee from 1965 to 1968.

Anne and I were married on 4 September 1965.

Like all people born after 18 April 1933, she is young.

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Last Updated: Monday, July 22, 1996