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Class Slides: Viral Marketing

add: Taboola: The internet firm at the forefront of 'click-bait'

As part of a content marketing strategy, a goal of a content producer may be to create content that goes "viral". We examine this idea with a case study, and then identify some key attributes of viral content. How can we create content that is shared through earned media, the Free Marketing space.

Obama Girl

Viral Marketing

  • Path to virality

  • elements to increase likelihood of content going viral: Contagious and Relles

    Tactics include flashmobs: Som Sabadell flashmob - BANCO SABADELL

    Did Beyonce break the rules ? Beyoncé’s Surprise Album Was the Year’s Most Brilliant Release

    Media companies created within the viral platform, versus media companies adapting to the viral platform: Upworthy — What Happens When a Growth Hacker Launches a Media Company

    Importance of Shares, versus Views, you can buy Views: Viral 2.0

    The Curiosity Gap Is Closing, Says Upworthy

    8 Simple Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Your Writing
    Buzzfeed: deliberate efforts to write titles for sharability

    Publishing as a Product, Pageviews as Users, and What It All Means

    The Psychology Of Online Sharing – The 5 Primary Motivations & The 6 Online Sharing Personas