Content Marketing

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Class Slides: Content Marketing

Content Marketing: What is it?

Content Marketing: design content

Key aspects of a Content Marketing Program

  1. Brands are Publishers -- think and act like a publisher
  2. Business Objectives / Goals drive Strategy for Content Marketing: What stories do you want to tell ?
  3. Support the brand messaging

  4. Know your customers (consumer behavior)
  5. Targeting new customers, and existing customers, at all stages of the funnel?
  6. Consider your SEO goals, and the important keywords, core and long tail. A key driver for SEO
  7. Select vehicles (where is your target audience(s)), include Blogs?
  8. Listen: industry, brand, competitor brands (ex. Google Alerts)
    • To understand brand (JPMorgan’s Twitter Mistake)
    • To respond directly
    • To improve messaging
    • To change product / service (CVS)
    • To source content (example: tweeting a new review)

  9. Content strategy, PLAN
  10. Types of content, by theme
  11. Types of content
  12. Types of content, images versus text, infographics (5 Ways to Make Shareable Images That Drive Traffic): most retweeted: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
  13. Types of content, appropriate signal to noise ratio
  14. Content curation strategy
    • Source additional content
    • Contribute and engage with others' content
  15. Content, use of hashtags
    • Twitter and Instagram
    • Own hashtags, branding (consider sponsored tweet with a branded hashtag), how are your customers using hashtags to discuss your product / market
    • Hashtags of other conversations (industry wide, etc)
  16. Appropriate voice: humanize the voice, versus salesly self promotion spam
  17. Timing (proactive content): A Scientific Guide to Posting Tweets, Facebook Posts, Emails, and Blog Posts at the Best Time
    • Time of day
    • Day of week
  18. Incentives / contests?

  19. Content approval process?
  20. Nimbleness versus overly produced content

  21. Frequency of content
  22. Write for
    • Engagement (write for action, i.e. Share, RT, Like)
    • Amplification

  23. Integration across different SM platforms, different media
  24. A consistent DIAlogue (include follower strategy for Twitter, Instagram etc.)

  25. What is the value you are providing, for your target audience(s) ?
  26. Review against goals, Key Performance Indicators (Edgerank Checker): Google Analytics, Facebook Insights etc.
    The World of Social Media Monitoring And Analytics - infographic

Indirect Content Marketing

The above is conducting content marketing via channels that are "owned". There may also be industry-related channels that are not directly owned by the brand, but allow for participation.

Examples include industry discussion boards (ex: MBA applicant site, where MBA applicants compare experiences, important for MBA admissions offices).

It is important to determine an appropriate level of participation on these indirect channels.

Business to Business

Good example from SAP, with slide deck: 8 Questions To Help You Define Your Content Strategy



5 (Relatively Simple) Steps To B2B Social Media Marketing Success
The Top 8 Social Networks For Business

Managing Issues

Much like a great content marketing strategy can be amplified, blunders also get amplified: Top 10 Social Media Marketing #FAILS of 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Don't Walk Offstage — The Internet Will Eat You Alive, includes "But it also speaks to a fundamental shift in the rules of how our world operates: When a stone drops, the ripples are supposed to fade away, not turn into tidal waves."

G.M. Uses Social Media to Manage Customers and Its Reputation

Crisis Management:

Media placement

Interruption model, versus content marketing. Content marketing can include paid media, but increasingly a balance of owned media; both to stimulate earned media.

Earned Media coverage

Because of increasing importance of earned media coverage (free marketing), content marketing needs to be:
  1. Transparent
  2. Engaging
Content marketing is deployed through a variety of media and social media vehicles, with a deliberate strategy for engagement.

Free Marketing is earned media