UDFS Report Team Minutes

August 21, 2002


Decisions: None

Issues: None


Tasks assigned: Continue PS 8.4 exploration and bring your findings/questions to work session on September 18th.


In attendance:  Marsha Lockard, Carol Rylee, Peggy Bottorff, Cheryl Morris, Julie Burton, Van Adams, Ellen Lepine, Amy Taylor


I.                 Executive Committee Update

The Executive  Committee did not meet.  However, Ellen discussed progress on the RFP for consultants.  The deadline was Monday, August 19th.  Five firms submitted proposals.  A review team is looking at the submitted proposals and applying criteria such as the respondents methodology, how the project plan fits in with UD and overall impression, among other things.    


II.               Public Query Subteam Report-Amy

a.     Will resume meetings shortly

b.     Stephan may be assigned the task of comparing  7.5 queries to 8.4 and to update the list of tables being used by any new queries.


III.             Trees Subteam Report-Cheryl

a.     Looked at client security


IV.            Crystal and nVision-Van

a.     Van to install  client on report team members PC’s so they may begin report development work.  All reports may be run on Web, but creating or modifying using Crystal or nVision cannot be done on Web.


V.              Delivered Reports and JV Subteam Report-Marsha

a.     Subteam charged with discovering where balances may be stored or calculated.  See where or how balance data is used to produce trial balance.


VI.            Communications Team Highlights

a.     Team is working on training options and a plan

                                                    i.     Who to train first

                                                  ii.     Establishing a network of trainers-who is going to do what

                                                iii.     Phases of training

                                                iv.     Who to call for questions, support, etc.

b.     Team waiting for implementation progress to determine exactly what tools they will be training the University community to use.