In attendance:


Van Adams, Peggy Bottorff, Julie Burton, Cat Collison, Marsha Lockard, Cheryl Morris, Amy Taylor






Go into PEP version 8.4 and review the features noting where the system does not appear to be working properly.  Bring issues and notes to next team meeting for Van to address.


Query sub-team

Compare 8.4 query list to 7.5 query list.





1.      Executive Committee Update

·        We will not be able to purchase a CD that contains an Introduction to PeopleSoft 8.4 since it only comes packaged with other courses, the majority of which are technical courses, and it is prohibitively expensive.

·        PeopleSoft 8.4 has been loaded to a new machine since the old one was not working properly.  It is now in production.

·        The Executive Committee determined that all departments would be created with appropriate sub departments to accommodate labor allocation.

·        A new RFP (request for proposal) is being put together to secure consulting services on a more comprehensive basis than originally planned.  Due to changes in reporting relationships and time commitments the RFP will be looking for more of a consulting partner than a plan developer and manager.  It is expected the RFP will be completed this week.

·        Training was discussed but no firm decisions have been made to date.

·        Target date for 8.4 set-up completion has been set for 09/01/02.


2.      Public Query Subteam Report

Nothing new to report.


3.      Trees Subteam Report

Van provided an excellent demo of the trees modules (and more) at the last subteam meeting and suggested team members using a read-only access ID to begin to learn the mechanics of the new navigation methods and menus.


4.      Delivered Reports & JVs Subteam

The subteam has been on hiatus for the last few weeks due to year end and closing.  The group will resume work beginning on 08/23/02 (from 8-10) looking at the delivered and central control reports from PeopleSoft version 8.4.  Anyone from the reporting team wishing to attend these meeting is welcome.


5.      Communications Team

·        Focus groups meet with the Communications Team next week.  The concentration will be upon which tools are being used and why, how the individual learned to use the tool, and the best methods of learning for each of the group.

·        On 09/16/02 the entire Communications Team will be participating in a live webcast training session dealing with Introduction to PeopleSoft version 8.4.


6.      Miscellaneous

Team mission statement/goals distributed with reminder that our primary mission is to replace all financial reporting with something comparable.   While our team may have opportunity to interact with HR personnel re: use of new software and PeopleSoft data, there is no intent at this time to broaden our mission to include HR reporting.


Team will explore use of Excel MS-Query in the near future as a possible campus-wide tool to be used with data from PeopleSoft records.


PeopleSoft reporting tools delivered with our purchase of 8.4 include Query, nVision, and Crystal  (run/read only by web;   must have desktop client to create Crystal reports).   BAM is an analysis tool for the Budget Module and will probably not work with our data.   Other reporting tools such as Cube Manager require the purchase of additional software. 


PS 8.4 Navigation – if problems encountered while using Netscape, try same navigation using Internet Explorer.