UDFS-Report Team Minutes


July 10, 2002


In attendance:


Marsha Lockard, Van Adams, Amy Taylor, Peggy Bottorff, Julie Burton, Cheryl Morris




TASKS ASSIGNED: Read PeopleBooks 8.4 Appendix B:  Query Security


ISSUES: To the Executive Team: NONE.





            I.     Executive Committee Update – No decision on training classes yet. Van noted that several classes that had been scheduled, were cancelled, and that the offerings for 8.4 have been few.  More classes will likely be offered in the later fall.  Consultants for the implementation are still being organized. Van is working on the ‘read only’ demonstration data. It requires manually turning each page to view only as they haven’t found a way to switch them all at once. This change is necessary to that the functional teams can begin looking at the demonstration data without making any changes.


          II.     Public Query Sub-Team Report – Amy needs to schedule the follow-up meetings with A/P and G/L


        III.     Trees Sub-Team Report – The team will not do any more work on trees in version 7.5, as there appear to be major difference in security on trees in 8.4. The team will be looking at the difference more closely. It appears possible to secure a user to a set of trees.  Van will do a ‘show and tell’ on 8.4 trees for the sub-team next week.


       IV.     Delivered Reports & JVs Sub Team Report – The activity Julie led at the last meeting will be loaded to the web and secured via UDFS access under ‘Tips & Hints”.


         V.     Communications Team Highlights – Focus groups have been organized for July 31 and August 1. These groups will focus on questions on what tools people need and this info will be shared with the Reporting Team on August 5 meeting. 


       VI.     The communications team is also investigating anomalies that showed up in the data warehouse survey. Peggy will share the summary info with Van. The team will identify the people whose answers were anomalous, and will contact them for clarification/confirmation of their responses to certain questions on the survey.


     VII.     There was discussion around training issues and the future development of the training plan.  What are the tools we will expect people to use?  How will we successfully set the stage for them to learn to use those tools?



Amy Taylor
