UDFS – Report Team Minutes

May 29, 2002

In attendance: Peggy Bottorff, Julie Burton, Marsha Lockard, Cheryl Morris, Carol Rylee, Amy Taylor

Absent: Van Adams



All team members look for summary table or list of all reports as they browse PeopleBooks 8.4. Marsha has read that such a list exists, but hasn’t been able to locate it.



  1. Executive Committee Update: IT people are involved with Executive Committee to a greater extent now.
  2. Public Query Subteam Update: A/P team is reviewing their reports and will prioritize; expect followup in late June. Public Query Subteam also plans to meet w/ GL people (Ben Martin and others) in late June to initiate similar process.
  3. Trees Subteam Update: group working to understand the implications of different effective dates for node, chartfield, tree and tree level. Seems very complicated right now; will contact Princeton to see if they have a way of handling varied effective dates that works.
  4. Delivered Reports & JVs Subteam Update: Cheryl notes that using multiple queries to double check results is time intensive – want to get to the point where delivered reports may be used and results trusted.
  5. Communications Team Update: Team about to send out data warehouse users survey; will shortly begin broader use/needs assessment regarding how people across campus access and use financial information. Agreed that an issue for the broad issues list is defining which report tools will be recommended. Report Team will recommend to Executive Team, which will approve/change and pass to Communications Team.
  6. Reviewed team issues list and project plan – made some revisions.