University of Delaware      Grants/Projects Module, Grants Subgroup Team Meeting Minutes      05/14/02


+ = present

Grants Subgroup Team Members:

+Becky Boutz:  OVPR (Team Leader)                                                               +Van Adams:  IT/MIS            (Non-working member)   

+Chris Cook: Engineering                                                                                   Carol Rylee: Budget Office (Non-working member)

+Gerri Hobbs: OVPR

+Barb MacKenzie: OVPR

Dave McCarren: Marine Studies

+Rachel Strickland: OVPR 


Status of Tasks Assigned:

Pending Tasks Assigned


Panel Assignments (Grants)

100% Complete

Document UD/GMS Table and Field Names

85% Complete

Document Panels & Fields for Review

100% Complete

Grants Module Set up

99% Complete

Mapping UD data into P.S. Grants Module

100% Complete

Interfaces(from/to/internal/external) (Grants)

Not assigned yet

Table Prioritization: Significant Tables to PeopleSoft App. And Significant Tables to UOD business processes

100% Complete


Update from Exec. Team + Team Leaders Meeting: 5/2/02

Ø       8.4 and Server: expect around June 1, install of 8.4 two weeks after.  Somewhere around June 15, we should be able to start setup.

Ø       Susan Foster has spoken with Hollowell, and there is to be a reorganization of the PeopleSoft 8.4 effort.  There will be an Executive Committee formed, with Teams reporting to it.  Approximately 15 IT people will be assigned to this effort.  Robbie did not have any idea how the new configuration would look.  He expects to still have the Functional folks (us) meet on a fairly regular basis, to work out issues.  He expects that the Executive Team will still meet.

NOTE:  According to Van, the above bullet is no longer going to happen.

Ø       There is a new additional calendar, which will track 003 room reservations for other than teams.  If there is a conflict, group meetings will always take precedence over an individual.  Becky showed everyone the new calendar.

Ø       For the next year, Team leaders are to put on the calendar if they are going to be out of the office for more than 1 day.

Ø       For the next year, Team leaders are to keep track of vacation of all team members- in case a special meeting is called. Team members should email their vacation time to Becky.

Ø       Checklist assignment:  Ben gave a sample.  Write checklist as if for a Team member to follow. Becky suggested that perhaps PeopleBooks 8.4 would have a checklist of sorts.  We will investigate.

Ø       Crosswalk program- spreadsheet needs to be filled in by June 1 (as per Carol Rylee)

Ø       Grants needs to negotiate with AP for which baseline Vendor (sub recipient) data will be loaded.  AP intends to build the Vendor table dynamically- and only start with some constant vendor accounts. 

Ø       The Communications and Training Team: soliciting “Neat and Different” capabilities that each module will be giving to users. Some suggestions given to Chris to take back were: easier navigation, all systems would be tied together better

Ø    Crosswalk program URL.

Status of Facilities Sub-Team by Carol Rylee:


Status of Billing Team- Rachel Strickland:

The team has not progressed.


Status of Communications and Training Team- Chris Cook and Dave McCarren:


On-Demand Training Module:


Ongoing Assignments to keep notebook of Special Concerns/Issues:

Billing:  Rachel Strickland

Accounting Issues:

Departmental Issues: Chris Cook and Dave McCarren (individually)

OVPR/Proposals Issues: Gerri Hobbs

OVPR/Award Issues: Barb MacKenzie

Grants/Projects Interfaces: Becky Boutz


Presentation of Mapping UD/GMS data into PS Task assignments: (GERRI AND BARB):   Will be presented at the next meeting.




Exercise to determine schema for naming Project/Grant Chart Field.:


                A lot of ideas were discussed.  Decision almost made.  Will need to test to determine feasibility.


                We can start the chartfield with any character from A-W.  Construction will use 1-5, Endowments will use X,Y,Z and the

numbers 6-9 will be reserved for future use.


Assignments for next meeting:  

1.       Rachel to continue investigating auto numbering

2.       Provide a list of subrecipients to Burt Wilson.  Not decided who will provide this or when.

3.       Presentation of mapping assignment by Gerri and Barb.



Decisions made (or almost made):


1.       The generic department ID will be the 4 digit UD department code plus “PROP” (indicating proposal).  For example “CHEMPROP”

2.       We are close to a decision on the project/grant chartfield.  The idea with the most support is:

Including the fiscal year in the chartfield.   For example: CHEM0131XXXX.  This would require us to use 12 digits of the chartfield.  The XXXX would be sequenced numbers.  If we can get autonumbering to work, it will autonumber the XXXX.   Van cautioned us to consider reporting requirements before making a decision on the chartfield.