Summary of 3/8/01 G/L Team Meeting


Attendees:  Ben Martin                  

                   Cathy Zinszer

                   Jeff Quirico               

                   Linda Somers  

                   Karen D’Amato       

                   Tim Miller 


Excused:    Dave Adkins




Task:          The G/L team was divided into three groups to complete the assignment of

                   relating PS data to UD Existing data by April 1.  Each group will compare the

                   data tables in PS with the data element tables in GA.  The groups are as

                   follows:  Ben and Karen  - GA Gadescfile , Cathy and Linda – GA Gabalfile,

                   and  Tim and Dave – GA Srtmat. 


At this meeting Ben and Karen presented examples comparing the UD Gadescfile with PS SUV for comments from Jeff.  Jeff agreed with some of our findings and some of them we will continue to explore in PS. 


Jeff responded to some of the examples with the following remarks:


  1. PS Project is used to combine other projects at the transaction level.  PS Project chartfield is not the same as UD account code project number. 
  2. UD may need to add something to the PS Department to identify other funding sources. 
  3. The UD gadescfile data element START-DATE is not comparable to the PS Effective Date.  The PS effective date is not flexible enough.  The PS field long name “Status as of Effective Date” is not comparable to the UD gadescfile data element END-DATE.  It is not flexible enough. We need to keep looking in PS for something similar to UD information.
  4. UD data element STA that is used to physically remove account codes from Gadescfile will be replaced in PS by writing SQL that will be completed by MIS if necessary.  Otherwise, the PS chart fields will never be deleted.



Cathy and Linda presented questions about PS Inquiry process.  Jeff explained that this is a process that runs in the background.  The information requested goes away after you run the query.  A work file generates itself and disappears.  Cathy and Linda thought this PS process compared to UD Bal Cur Bal in the data element Gabalfile.  In PS you have to use summary calendars, summary ledgers, and time spans to report cumulative data.

Jeff requested the team to include in our comments directions to find the panels, fields, or records in PS that we are comparing to UD information.  He also concluded that we are all moving in the right direction comparing UD information with PS.


We will meet again on 3/22/01