UDFS – Communications/Training Team Minutes


August 5, 2002


In Attendance: Paul Anderson, Anna Bloch, Peggy Bottorff, Chris Cook, Lisa Huber, Ginger Knutsen, Sue Koski, Ellen Lepine, Dave McCarren, Chris Murphy, Eileen Prazniak, Linda Somers, Amy Taylor


Logistics:        Next meeting will be August 19, 2002.

                        Chris Murphy will do minutes.


Peggy reminded team members to try the PeopleSoft tutorial and let her know when they have completed the training.


The September 16 web training was again discussed.  Several people have expressed interest.  Peggy will send out a final reminder to committee members.  Cost is $500.  The course will run from 11am to 6pm.


Ellen Lepine discussed the RFP for a consulting firm to help with the implementation of PeopleSoft.  The consultants will work with the teams to get the system up and running.  They will not work with the training portion of the program.


Highlights of the Focus Groups were discussed.  Many participants were anxious to learn and wanted data available to manipulate for their own purposes.  Team members were surprised at the number of people using paper systems and shadow systems.  Training was a common concern.  Most wanted  as much training as possible and in a variety of ways.  Continued support after the initial training was also stressed.  Peggy will summarize all of the team notes and present the findings to the Report Team.  As team members discussed the Focus Group comments it was noted that good public relations will be very important  as we move forward.  


Peggy asked team members to start thinking about training options and to identify networks for training within each college.  Amy Taylor asked that we also think about a training calendar, although it will depend on the tools to be used.  We will discuss both the training tools and the calendar at the next meeting.  Meanwhile, for homework, team members are to identify the top two tiers of people to be trained in their units.


Anna Bloch discussed some of the problems with PeopleSoft HR training.  A big challenge is getting people to attend training sessions.   She suggested that we might want to consider a directive from the dean, or some other way to make the training mandatory.


Submitted 8/5/02

Ginger Knutsen