UDFS – Communication/Training Team Minutes


June 16, 2003


In attendance:  Paul Anderson, Peggy Bottorff, Chris Cook, Al Fanjoy, Bill Fitzpatrick, Steve Grasson, Lisa Huber, Ginger Knutsen, Ellen Lepine, Dave McCarren, Tim Miller, Chris Murphy, Dee Smith, Linda Somers, Amy Taylor (second half), Eileen Prazniak



General Meeting Minutes:

Minutes this time:  Peggy Bottorff

Minutes next time:  Steve Grasson



Security and Access Issues:



Grants Team Update



Basic Training



Team Training Plans

Went around the room and each team member told when they did/will offer Basic and LAM.  With few exceptions, people plan to offer their sessions of this by the end of next week (June 27).  In the exceptions, people plan to offer the remaining training in early July.