University of Delaware Multiple Sclerosis Clinic Update
By: Dana Jenson and Becky O'Neil, Student Coordinators, DPT Class of 2005

The University of Delaware Physical Therapy Department in conjunction with The Delaware Multiple Sclerosis Society has been sponsoring the Multiple Sclerosis Assessment Clinic for the past 4 years.  Coordinated by Mr. Ken Seaman, PT, MA, this service is provided to Delaware MS Society Members who have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  The clinic provides these individuals with a chance to obtain recommendations on their current condition and discuss questions and concerns with a variety of health care professionals.

 Clients participating in the clinic are evaluated by several disciplines, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, energy expenditure, gait analysis, optometry, counseling and massage.  These volunteer clinicians make recommendations for each patient and their doctors to further explore.

Under Mr. Seaman’s direction and coordination, second year DPT students run the program.  Several first year DPT students also volunteer at the MS Clinic, where they learn valuable evaluation and patient handling skills from the older students.  This spring, the DPT 1 students will be trained so that they can take over in the fall.  The current clinic student managers, Dana Jenson and Becky O’Neill will train DPT 1 students Tami Blusk and Megan Jones, who will serve as the new student managers next year. 

UDaily recently wrote an article focusing on the MS Assessment Clinic. 
You can find the article at: