Message from the Chair (continued)

Similar to what we are doing with our NOA clinic, Dr. Cole Galloway is helping to establish a pediatrics clinical service at the University of Delaware’s new Early Learning Center.  This pediatric clinic will be used by our DPT students as part of their required integrated clinical experience in pediatrics that will take place during the summer between their second and third years of the program.  The faculty are very excited about these new integrated clinical experiences, as we believe they are a critical component of the curriculum that markedly enhances our students’ education.  
     The alumni association had two very successful events over the past year.  First, the UD alumni and DPTA sponsored a reception at the annual APTA in Washington DC that had a great turnout of alumni.   The reception was very special for Lynn Snyder-Mackler and me, as we celebrated our election as Catherine Worthingham Fellows of the APTA.  This was a great honor; which was made very special by having so many old friends join in our celebration.   The second event was our annual homecoming tailgate party before the UD homecoming football game.  As usual, we had the liveliest tent in the area, and many alumni came by to visit and cheer on the National Champion Delaware Blue Hens!!!!  If anyone is interested in organizing a special event surrounding this year’s homecoming weekend (e.g., 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, or 25th class reunions), please let me know and we will help in any way we can.  
As always, I would like to thank the many alumni and friends who provided financial support to the department over the past year.  In addition to supporting alumni events, gift money was used to support our MPT students’ graduation ceremony (this was our last MPT graduation) and partially fund student travel to the annual student conclave and the APTA’s annual and CSM meetings.   Attending these meetings is important for our students not only because of the clinically useful information they learn, but it also helps them develop a commitment to the profession and our professional association.  
     I hope that everyone who reads this newsletter is aware of the wonderful program that the UD Alumni Association has established to increase alumni giving (thank you Julie Moyer Knowles, Alumni Association President, and Chuck Barker, Alumni Association Board Member for supporting this program and giving us an early heads-up!).  The Alumni Association will match any donation by alumni who have not previously contributed to the University.  As always, if the contributions are designated for Physical Therapy, 100% of both the donation and match is given to the Department.   So, if you have not previously given or if know an alum who has not previously given, please consider making a contribution before December 2004 to receive this match.  Please let me know if you need additional details or have any ideas regarding how to improve alumni support.  
     As always, we would love to see you.  Please come by and visit the department and please plan to attend our homecoming tailgate again this year.
Best wishes and regards,

Stuart Binder-Macleod, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Professor and Chair