University of Delaware
Office of Public Relations
The Messenger
Vol. 5, No. 1/1995
Recognition: A Special Report
Annual Fund Gifts from Individuals Reach $3.4 Million

     This year, individuals' gifts to the University through the
Annual Fund reached $3,434,114, a 94 percent jump over the
previous year's total of $1,767,977.
     "Annual giving can be allocated for a specific purpose, to
support any area of the University," Joseph Bradley, director of
annual giving, explains. "Many, many campus programs get a boost
from annual gifts-some in a small way, some in a big way."
     For example, he says, 23 people gave $1,500 through the
Annual Fund to support minority  scholarships during F.Y. 1994-
95. Another 17 people contributed $1,800 in support of minority
merit awards. The University's Marching Band received $4,500 as a
result of annual gifts from 75 people. And, annual giving by 54
people generated $10,145 for the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.
     "The Annual Fund is the bread and butter for the current
operations of this University," notes Charles M. Forbes, vice
president of University development and alumni relations. "Gifts
made through this fund help to sustain the quality of our
programs and give us additional resources within each of the
colleges. Without those funds, we would be hard-pressed to
maintain a quality academic environment."
     Contact Bradley at (302) 831-2104 for more information on
annual giving.