Messenger - Vol. 1, No. 2, Page 26
Winter 1992
Inaugural delegates
Institutions of higher learning regularly invite representatives from
other colleges and universities to attend major academic celebrations,
such as the inauguration of a new president.  The following Delaware
alumni have been recent inaugural delegates on behalf of President
David P. Roselle.
     Marla P. Krell '79, New York University
     Elizabeth Roethel Nickless '78, La Sierra University
     Joyce L. Campana '77, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
     Cynthia Neal Bechtel '82, University of San Francisco
     Beatrice Clark Ritchie '57, Kalamazoo College
     Katherine Eberts Brandi '72, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
     David G. Schechter '77, Wentworth Institute
     Donald C. Townsend '82 and Alicia M. Sasso-Townsend '83, Central
     Francis Garthewaite Patton '66, Union County College
     Richard D. Ashby '60, Rollins College
     Ann B. Williams '56, Colorado State University
     Jacob D. Bournazian '81M, Howard University
     Frank E. Wood '53M, Virginia Commonwealth University
     Timothy D. Wolfe '76, State University of New York at Albany
     Marilyn Francis Krigger '84M, University of the Virgin Islands
     Helene L. Schmuckler '82, University of California-Berkeley
     Kenneth D. Lawrence '69, Rutgers University