Volume 12, Number 4, 2004

is woven deeply
into the electronic
of everyday life at the
University of Delaware
where it enriches the learning environment
for students, provides faculty the latest in teaching tools
and enhances business practices for administration and staff.

Connections to the Colleges

Technology at the University

Historical perspective

In the classroom

In the laboratory

In the community

Looking to the future

Cause for applause .. UDs technology accomplishments are nationally recognized

Pioneers in technology

Fast-forward future

UD students are well-connected

Learning by doing enriches classroom environment

Interactive television courses connect with student

Exploring the world sharing the experience

Remote control

Shortening the distance in learning opportunities

User Services director named to hall of fame

UD Commu-Net-ty lives by The Code

Chemistry 'collaboratory' works online, off campus

Ear training provides tune-up for students

Virtual visits with virtuosos

Making space for the finer points of typography

Classes collaborate across cultures

Tools of the trade offer solutions

Internet interns

One step a time

Leaps of science

Online help keeps students on track

Interactive instruction

A pattern of growth in consumer studies

Supercomputer ranked among world's best

UD and state share benefits of high-speed network

Book on technology in teaching has strong university influence

The classroom unplugged

All over the map

Hospitality program welcomes growth

Breathe easy on this undersea expedition

Transmitting data...

E-portofolios showcase a spectrum of achievement

University of Delaware Library Tradition and technolgoy

National audience focuses on UD's Virtual microscope

Getting in tune

Teaching method recharged by technolgy

Wire is more at UD

About the Messenger