

Adolf Hitler is the most infamous leader that the world has ever known.  Although Hitler was an Austrian, he came to be the absolute dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his death in 1945.  Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, which he wrote in prison after being arrested for the Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, served as an Nazi indoctrination tool for the inculcation of Nazism.  Mein Kampf is probably the greatest source for the foundations of National Socialism -- Fascism in Germany.   Within Mein Kampf, Hitler expressed his disdain for the Jews and his belief in the Aryan race with its superiority.  Hitler maintained that Jews were nothing more than cunning underminers.  For Hitler, Jews became scapegoats for Germany's problems  after World War I.  Hitler didn't even recognize the humanity of the Jews.  They were Untermenschen or sub-human.  Hitler believed that the Aryan race must remain pure.  Blood mixing would damage Hitler's mythical purity.    Jews were diametrically opposed to Aryans.  While Hitler recognized Aryan nobility, Hitler said that Jews were parasites. National Socialism was truly about race.  Hitler said the following. 

The highest purpose of the volkish state is the care for the preservation of those racial primal elements .... We, as Aryans, are therefore able to imagine a State only to be the living organism of a nationality which not only safeguards the preservation of that nationality, but which , by a further training of its spiritual and ideal abilities, leads it to the highest freedom .... there is only one most sacred human right, and this right is at the same time the most sacred obligation, namely:  to see to it that the blood is preserved pure, so that by the preservation of the best human material a possibility is given for a more noble development of these human being. 

Adolf Hitler 
source:  Mein Kampf 

Hitler believed that the individual lived for the sake of the community.  The individual to Hitler was a component to the organic state.  Hitler recognized no personal liberties.  In fact, one's sole source of rights is the leader who grants those rights.  There were no inalienable rights because that would challenge the authority of the leader.  Hitler was definitely authoritarian and totalitarian in his thinking. 

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