Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property

University of Delaware Research Foundation Program

Section: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies
Policy Name: University of Delaware Research Foundation Program
Policy Owner: Vice President for Research, Scholarship & Innovation
Responsible University Office: Research Office
Origination Date: October 1, 1981
Revisions: June 5, 1989; March 1, 1996; September 1, 2005; January 18, 2008; August 6, 2008
Legacy Policy Number: 6-02
  1. PURPOSETo outline the administration, type of research supported, and application procedures for grants awarded by the University of Delaware Research Foundation.
    1. University of Delaware Research Foundation Program

      The University of Delaware Research Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization for the support of fundamental research in all fields of science. An independent corporation, it is chartered primarily to support the University’s scientific research programs.

      University of Delaware Research Foundation (UDRF) grants are administered by the Senior Vice Provost for Research, who represents the University on the UDRF Research Committee and is secretary of the UDRF Board of Trustees.

      The Senior Vice Provost for Research disseminates the updated information on UDRF grants to the faculty annually by letter. This letter includes the deadline for applications for grants.

      The appropriate deans and chairs provide the Senior Vice Provost for Research with preliminary evaluations of applications for grants. The Senior Vice Provost combines these evaluations into a University recommendation. The final evaluation and award decision is made by the UDRF Research Committee. Grants are made primarily in the fields of the natural and physical sciences, but any proposal that uses scientific methods and promises quantitative results is eligible for a grant.

    2. Grants

      UDRF grants support high quality scientific and engineering projects by early-career, untenured, tenure-track faculty. Costs covered are stipends, graduate student or technical assistance, equipment, supplies, travel, etc. Grants are awarded on the basis of individual merit and specific need.

      The awards are made in April and become effective on the following June 1.

      These grants are not to be used for the support of advanced-degree theses nor for their publication.

      Understandings concerning the research grant programs and patents, copyright, and publishing considerations are stated in the Faculty Handbook and in this Policies and Procedures Manual.

      Patent, copyright, and publication policies are as stated in the University of Delaware Faculty Handbook and in sections 6-6 and 6-7 of this Policies and Procedures Manual.

    3. Understandings and Procedures for Submitting Proposals are found in the UDRF Proposal Guidelines which are updated annually by the committee.