Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services

Vending of Food and Beverages

Section: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services Policies
Policy Name: Vending of Food and Beverages
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services
Origination Date: January 1, 1989
Revisions: February 1995; February 1, 1996; July 1, 2005
Legacy Policy Number: 5-20
    1. To manage and control the sale of food and beverages on University property.
    2. It is necessary for the University to regulate the sale of food and beverages on University property in order to:
      1. assure compliance with regulations of the State Board of Health, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner, and other regulatory agencies;
      2. manage the University’s liability exposure;
      3. control food and beverage locations, types of food and beverage services, and other associated conditions;
      4. and ensure that the sale of these products does not conflict with any negotiated contracts or agreements.
    1. Limitations of the Policy
      1. This policy includes food and beverage sales through
        1. catering services;
        2. operation of vending carts, vending trucks, or vending booths;
        3. vending machines;
        4. snack bars, restaurants, or similar services;
        5. convenience markets;
        6. delivery services.
      2. This policy excludes
        1. food prepared off-campus which is sold to individuals and delivered to the campus (e.g., pizza delivery services);
        2. coffee service vendors (e.g., Take-a-Break);
        3. packaged foods which are sold by recognized student organizations in fundraising efforts; and
        4. food and beverage services which are part of programs or activities by outside groups, except that in such cases the sale of food or beverages must be included in the approval for such groups to use University facilities (e.g., Newark Community Days).
    2. Approved food and beverage sales
      1. such services as provided by the University Dining Services Department;
      2. vending machines which are placed and operated under contract with the University;
      3. catering and similar dining services which are provided through contract with the University; and
      4. packaged food sold through the University Bookstore, the Trabant Center, and similar approved locations.
    3. Approved delivery of food and beverage by University Dining Service
      1. University Dining Services is authorized to deliver food in accordance with building use policy to the following University locations only:
        1. Christiana Towers apartments;
        2. Fraternity and sorority houses owned by or leased from the University;
        3. Graduate student and family housing;
        4. Lecture halls;
        5. Office buildings;
        6. Residence halls;
        7. Sports facilities;
        8. Leased facilities occupied by the University;
        9. Other University owned buildings.
      2. Delivery advertisements/promotions may only be made to the above locations in accordance with building policy.
      3. Delivery personnel must adhere to all rules and regulations governing admittance into University buildings and areas.
    4. Exceptions to the policy
      1. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Associate Vice President for Administrative Services
        1. when deemed to be in the best interest of the University;
        2. when such exceptions will not violate existing contracts for food and beverage services nor unfairly compete with approved services.
      2. Requests for exceptions must be made and approved in writing, and approvals will be for a specific location, for a specified time or duration, and for an identified type of food or beverage service. Use of University facilities may be subject to fees, commissions and/or reimbursable charges. As part of the request, vendors will be required to submit evidence of a valid certificate for the facility issued by the State Board of Health. Vendors will be required to sign a hold harmless agreement and to show evidence of insurance coverage written in an amount and under terms and conditions as specified by the Director of Risk Management.