CRJU110 Introduction to Criminal Justice Study Guide – Exam I


The following 70 statements represent the multiple choice items on exam I, stripped of the answers. You are cautioned that this guide is intended only as a supplement to, NOT as a replacement for, the careful reading and study of Chapters 1,2,4,5 of your text.



Chapter 1


  1. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?


  2. Which American president launched the "war on crime"?


  3. Which of the following was not an element of the "war on crime" outlined in 1965 by the president in his message to the 89th Congress?


  4. The recommendations of the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice were disappointing because


  5. Those scholars who had spent their life studying crime were acutely disappointed with the President's suggestion that poverty was one of the most important causes of crime and therefore should be a target of the "war on crime." Why?


  6. Which federal agency was created to lead the "war on crime"?


  7. Of the following, which was the purpose of the LEAA?


  8. The main criticism targeted against the LEAA was that it


  9. The LEAA was most effective in


10. According to the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force, which among the following was one of the more successful programs of the LEAA?


11. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 was considered by many to be a "bad law" because


12. The ________________ was a piece of federal "law and order" legislation that was viewed by many as a political maneuver aimed at allaying fears of crime rather than bringing about criminal justice reform.


13. Criminal justice refers to


14. Political scientist James Q. Wilson targeted the peculiarity of the poverty-crime nexus in his phrase:


15. In the 1960s, the Warren Court announced a number of decisions that were in accord with the due process model of the criminal justice system, one decision after another lead toward the incorporation of the Bill of Rights through the _______________________ clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Chapter 2


16. Natural law is best described as


17. Although its meaning may vary from one culture to the next, __________ appears to be an almost universal taboo.


18. According to sociological conceptions of deviance, which of the following statements is not true?


19. American criminal law is based on


20. Which of the following definitions of crime offered by lawyer and sociologist Paul W. Tappan is the accepted definition in the text?


21. According to federal statutes, which of the following elements does not have to be present for the crime of conspiracy to exist?


a. an act of agreement between more than two people

22. The examination of the evolution of natural law conducted by criminologist Hermann Mannheim concluded that


23. In _________________, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision on the grounds that offenses such as "being addicted to the use of narcotics" were unconstitutional and that imprisonment for such an offense was cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.


24. __________ is present when one can gather from the circumstances of the crime that the offender must have desired the prohibited result.


25. Common law refers to


26. In Durham v. United States, the matter under argument was


27. Which of the following would be considered a "consentable crime"?


28. A law against sexual intercourse would most certainly never be passed because


29. __________ is considered a mala in se crime.


30. Your neighbor is arrested, convicted, and sentenced to a term of 50 years in a state prison. He has been convicted of a(n)


31. The sociological view of deviance and crime suggests that





Chapter 4


61. The __________ was initially responsible for the establishment of the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR).


62. The Uniform Crime Reports are a product of the


63. As early as 1932, J. Edgar Hoover was boasting in his congressional testimony that the purpose of the Uniform Crime Reports was to


64. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding the Uniform Crime Reports?


65. The ____________ are the primary sources of statistical data on crime today.


66. The Uniform Crime Reports are based on


67. Which of the following is not a Uniform Crime Report Part I offense?


68. "Crime clocks" in the Uniform Crime Reports should be viewed with caution because


69. Which one of the following is not a Uniform Crime Report Part II offense?


70. The sum of all Part I offenses in the Uniform Crime Reports during a given period of time is known as the


71. Generally speaking, how do the UCR estimates of the volume of annual rates of crime compare to the actual frequencies of such occurrences?


72. UCR estimates are most accurate in the area of


73. Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to the unreliability of the estimates of crime indicated in the UCR?


74. In 1965, in an effort to determine the parameters of crime that did not appear in official criminal statistics, the __________ initiated the first national survey of crime victimization.


75. Victimization survey interviewers contact households, asking whether the person questioned, or any member of his or her household


76. Victimization surveys have demonstrated that


77. According to the National Crime Survey (NCS), the major reason why victims did not report crimes to the police was because they


78. UCR and NCS data are easy to compare because


79. Which of the following is the greatest weakness or problem with victimization studies?


80. In survey research, ___________refers to the precision or accuracy of the instruments used to measure and record the phenomenon under study.



Chapter 5


81. The inquisitorial system of justice was characterized by


82. Under the modern _________ system of justice, all persons are obliged to cooperate with the court in its quest for truth.


83. In the ___________ court, the judge is an impartial arbiter between the prosecution and the defense.


84. In which amendment(s) to the Constitution of the United States can we find the "due process" clause?


85. ___________ was the author of the Bill of Rights.


86. Which of the following was the major significance of the Bill of Rights?


87. Substantive due process refers to


88. The subject matter of the law is most specifically covered by


89. In general, which of the following is not a matter of procedural due process?


90. Who of the following has the authority to issue an arrest warrant?


91. What level of proof or knowledge of a crime and its possible perpetrator must a police officer have before he or she is authorized to make an arrest?


92. Fingerprinting generally occurs at the point of


93. What is the most common form of temporary release?


94. Formal notice of the charge is given at the


95. A plea is entered at the


96. At the preliminary hearing, the judge does not


97. An "information" is filed by a


98. The most common method for bringing formal charges against an accused is a(n)


99. Nob contendere is


100. A judge may reject a guilty plea if