CISC474, 04/03/2006

Don't rearrange the tables. We will be in just 7 larger groups today.

Here are the assignments—the groups have "letters" to avoid confusion with the original numbered groups.

Group A:

Joe Ceresini ,
Matt Corbett ,
David Peck,
Chris Sobona ,
Steve Brennan ,
Jeremy Skogen
Group B:

Salvatore Giglia ,
James King ,
Chris Fahey ,
Ryan Whited ,
Jason Grafinger ,
Toya White
Group C:

Phil Mataras ,
Andrew Toy ,
Jason Fillo ,
Rebecca Beale ,
Peter Deschere
Group D:

Dave Okner ,
Graham Worrall ,
Stefan Natchev ,
Chris Furst ,
Ashton Galya
Group E:

Anthony Furst ,
Matthew Arbaugh,
Tara Strobel ,
Steve Parise ,
Yana Novikova
Group F (see below*):

Bill Meehan ,
Graham Becker,
Brian Hermann ,
Brian Sheehan ,
Brian Johnson
Group G:

Charley Ruggiero ,
Adam Christian,
Peter Park ,
Eric Andersen ,
James Meek

(Note to Group F: I apologize that all three Brian's ended up in the same group. I realize this may be confusing. I assure you that it is total coincidence! By the time I realized it, I had already put far too much time into setting up the documentation of the new groups to even consider the possibility of changing things)

Peer Evaluations

Several folks have suggested that we include peer evaluations as part of the grading for CISC474 group projects help emphasize accountability, participation, and fair division of labor.

Today, we will reorganize into discussion groups in such a way that you will NOT be in a group with anyone from your current group. We'll give these groups letters rather than numbers to distinguish them.

I've assigned these groups by rotating through the alphabet among the current established groups—since the original groups were chosen randomly, this process is also random. Here's how the assignments were made:

Group 1
Group 3
Group 5
Group 7
Group 9
Joe Ceresini (joecere) A Matt Corbett (cemscor) A Chris Fahey (cjfahey) B Rebecca Beale (rbeale) C Peter Deschere (peterd) C
Salvatore Giglia (sgiglia) B James King (jcking)
B Jason Fillo (jfillo) C Chris Furst (cfurst) D Ashton Galya (galya) D
Phil Mataras (pmataras)
C Andrew Toy (atoy) C Stefan Natchev (snatchev) D Steve Parise (sparise) E Yana Novikova (jana) E
Dave Okner (okner) D Graham Worrall (gworrall) D Tara Strobel (tstrobel) E Brian Sheehan (bsheehan) F    
Group 2
Group 4
Group 6
Group 8
Group 10
Anthony Furst (afurst) E Matthew Arbaugh(marbaugh) E Brian Hermann (bhermann) F Eric Andersen (eandersn) G Brian Johnson (johnsonb) F
Bill Meehan (bmeehan) F Graham Becker(Beckerg) F Peter Park (ppark) G Steve Brennan (srb) A James Meek (jlmeek) G
Charley Ruggiero (chazman) G Adam Christian(reaper) G Chris Sobona (csobona) A Jason Grafinger (jasong) B Jeremy Skogen (skogenj) A
    David Peck(dpeck) A Ryan Whited (rwhited) B     Toya White (toytoy) B


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